Philosophy and Spirituality in the Arts

martial arts == music
music == martial arts
same same


martial arts -- don't think about it much. just do
music -- it's all the same


martial arts -- don't think about it much. just do...happily, thoughtfully(?)
music -- like breathing

martial arts == music
music == martial arts
same same


martial arts -- don't think about it much. just do
music -- it's all the same


martial arts -- don't think about it much. just do...happily, thoughtfully(?)
music -- like breathing

My Silat teacher says "You think, you stink." That's in the fight or while you're performing (he's also a musician). You need to do a lot of thinking and hard work to get to the point where it all looks easy.
From my point of view, Philosophy and spirituality in the martial arts are two separate subjects, yet intertwined.

Philosophy in the martial arts can range from 'new age spirituality' to 'let's just crack your skull' philosophy. both are philosophies to the arts.

Spirituality incorporates philosophy but typically is an attempt to explain the 'why' we are on earth question and 'what happens to us when we die' question. At times spirituality implies religious beliefs...I don't believe the dojo is a place for this unless you go to that dojo for that belief. (I am a Zen Buddhist and incorporate many Zen concepts in my training...but you don't need to be a buddhist to practice with me...but many of my students study for the Zen practice)

My martial art is about 'if you touch me...I hurt you philosophy' but wrapped in the nonviolent zen teachings. yes, a paradox, but that's zen for you.

Both can be used and misused, dependent on your philosophy or spirituality. So, to be long winded I do feel all martial arts already have philosophy, but don't necessarily need to have spirituality. If you stress a spirituality in your martial arts you should be upfront about it. Some people like it, others don't. There is room for all types of martial art studios.
You need to do a lot of thinking and hard work to get to the point where it all looks easy.


the point is, you don't want to think.

for example:

i rarely practice music anymore because at this point in my career, it is the 'singing' part of the music is what interests me and is ultimately what is important. as long as i can play that melody that is in my head with my hands hopefully (usually) it resonates with other people and they are entertained.

i practice with dr. remy presas jr. in the bay area and we have come to an understanding that modern arnis continues to evolve. the point that we are both trying to attain (of course through his grace, intelligence and profound skill) is to express this martial art with the same economy and ease and artistry that i experience in my music.

with respect to this, i feel that at this point in my arnis studies, i can now say with clarity that i know what it is that i am trying to do and that eventually the difficulty that i am experiencing will go away as i refine what it is that dr. presas and all of his students are working towards -- ease, grace and artistry.

...yung dos centavos ko. salamat po

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