Pen Jillette. Atheist. Libertarian. Okay, now that there are some empty seats, movie time!

Josh Oakley

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Alright, so, I was trying to figure a good way to hail my triumphant return to The Study after spending most of the holidays NOT developing a healthy green glow from the computer screen, and I came across this video.

I can guarantee, SOMEONE will have a disagreement with this video. And SOMEONE ELSE will disagree with THAT person.

And I'LL chime in with something that's, like, TOTALLY POIGNANT, but irrelevant to the developing conversation that has developed, because, you know, it'll reference the actual video in some way.

Then the BILLS will go at it, Tez will smack me for starting this all in the first place, sukerkin will just sit back, look cool, and say about 5 words that make everyone look like a blithering imbicile from his SHEER AWESOMENESS, Elder will bring up some esoteric bit of info that will send everyone in a tissy, and the other regulars will pop in with a comment or two about how TOTALLY AWESOME THE OP IS FOR POSTING THIS THING, Brian King will read all this and be all like, "Wow, this Josh Oakley character sure yells a lot. I'm totally glad I threw him off my trail with that cancelled class in Milton", MJS will wave the Mighty Banhammer of DOOM menacingly at the whole room.

Ultimately, Bob Hubbard's head will explode, and I'll get his job. Not running THIS gaggle of loons *shudder*. I'd get the one where he takes nudie pictures of hot girls!

I think this is a perfect plan. Who is with me?

...Oh, and I think Penn Jillette makes some really good remarks about how we would do well to refocus our thinking as Americans in the coming years.
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Er, I have no idea who the chap is in the video so you might have to explain before it goes any further, besides he's talking about America of which I have no knowledge! I wouldn't smack you btw it would be a RNC :)
Point well taken. It WOULD be a RNC!

Penn Jillette is an American illusionist and part of the two man team of Penn and Teller. You might know them from the show Fool US. Penn and Teller are known also for using their magic bit as a vehicle for social commentary, on specials and shows such as Bullsh-- (the Actual show is spelled out.

Penn Jillette is also known for being a ver vocal critic of religion of all forms, an avid libertarian, and one to step on toes.
Actually, the last clip I posted featuring Penn Jillette was debunking Martial Arts BS.
Actually, the last clip I posted featuring Penn Jillette was debunking Martial Arts BS.

Ah that one, I have a thing about magicians, I really don't like them! It's probably totally illogical but there's something about them I find creepy, much like some people think of clowns. I never ever watch them, they make me shudder. I know, I'm weird lol but if you didn't know that before..........:)
Could you post a link to that video please?
:chuckles: I can't watch the video at present as works Net Nannie is very 'anti' that sort of thing {:sad face:}.

I have to confess that I have a definite liking for Penn's 'bucket-of-water-followed-up-by-a-slap-in-the-face-with-a-wet-fish' style when it comes to assailing topics. I know that that is a bit odd, given that I much prefer to take a calmer, more rational, approach when debating something myself but I do appreciate a good 'ranter' as it's a talent I lack :(.

P.S. Thank you very much for the implied compliment by the way - tho' I shall be horribly self-conscious when I post for the next few days {'Englishness' has it's downside :o}.
This is the first video with him in it that I've been able to sit through. I don't agree with him on basically any of his points, but at least he was not a condescending little jackhole this time.

Now Rebut something!

Rebut may be too strong a word. I don't agree with all he says, but he kind of rambles. He starts out talking about whether or not the State should be involved in education or if it should be religion. He talks of the Bush years (which Bush I don't know) being considered libertarian. I guess I need to get out more. I never heard anyone say that before.

Then he tries to tie in the internet in as a substitution for any formal education, apparently assuming that all kids will gladly strive to get an education there, mentioning (I think) his kids as getting more education on the 'net than at their expensive school. I would change schools quickly. And I never assumed the net did or does provide a structured learning opportunity. But perhaps he should apply for home schooling and just let his kids surf the 'net all day.

He is a little entertaining, but I don't see much if any substance. If this was intended to ba a joke or satire, I either don't know enough about him or he doesn't carry that off well.

Just my impressions since you asked. YMMV
Its an odd thing for me with Penn.

I love his magic shows. He an Tellar are amazing. My wife and I caught their show in Vegas last year. They stay in the lobby after each performance doing photos with fans, signing autographs, and are both remarkably warm and approachable. Great guys.

Then there is the way in which they conduct their "investigations" on their show as well as the callous, insulting, and degrading way in which they treat those that disagree with them. I find their methods appalling enough that I find it hard to be supportive of them even when I agree with their stance.

The dichotomy is difficult to parse.

State bestowing enlightenment doesn't work.

Education in the future will come from the web and be individualistic in nature.

People are overwhelmingly good and the state turns them wicked.

Rich people are gaming the big government system by socializing risk and privatizing profits = fascism.

Stop spending money we don't have to kill people don't know for reasons we don't understand.

Stop killing people overseas, locking up non-violent drug offenders, and giving bailouts for too big to fail corporations.

There, a quick summation of the points in the video. I agree with every single one.
Ohh so those kids walking blindly towards my car while crossing (illegally) the street while totally focused on some electronic device are just learning. Hmm whodda thunk it.
State bestowing enlightenment doesn't work.

Education in the future will come from the web and be individualistic in nature.

People are overwhelmingly good and the state turns them wicked.

Rich people are gaming the big government system by socializing risk and privatizing profits = fascism.

Stop spending money we don't have to kill people don't know for reasons we don't understand.

Stop killing people overseas, locking up non-violent drug offenders, and giving bailouts for too big to fail corporations.

There, a quick summation of the points in the video. I agree with every single one.

Well, I disagree with every single one. Strongly.
Ohh so those kids walking blindly towards my car while crossing (illegally) the street while totally focused on some electronic device are just learning. Hmm whodda thunk it.

Non-Sequitor. I mean, this is a pretty broad thread to start. and you still managed to bring in something that has almost nothing to do with anything. I applaud you, sir!