On Having Your DNA Checked for Disease Markers...

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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Interesting article in Gizmodo. I hadn't considered it quite as soberly as the author has, now that he's had it done. I have had my DNA checked, but only for my genealogy, not for disease markers.

Your thoughts?


My prognosis could be worse, as my wife, who knows a bit on the topic for reasons I won't divulge, explained to me. We were in the middle of a long weekend dinner at home involving too much wine and lots of laughter. It was one of those magical yet everyday evenings you might see on an overzealous commercial for furniture or carpeting. Then, out of nowhere, the entire atmosphere changed.
"When you told me you were taking these tests, you never told me they'd be testing for the APOE-4 gene," she said. "You just don't realize, do you? If you had two of those, it would have been bad. Really bad. Like, we pick up and change the way we live our lives from here on out, bad."
The most devastating thing I learned after two DNA samples was that I'd approached this entire experiment as naively as a child.
So the article is implying (among other things) that the genetic markers testing has messed up his homelife, yes?

The last mention of his wife was when the mood of a wonderful evening was darkened based on her saying that their whole lifestyle would have to change if he had tested positive for this one markers.

He dances around this other stuff and then admits all the way at the bottom that he did indeed test positive for the markers, and that they are for Alzheimers.