European Modern Arnis Tour

Datu Tim Hartman

Senior Master
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY USA
I will be doing a two week tour in Denmark and Sweden. I don't have all the information on the Swedish part of the trip yet but I will be doing 3 seminars in the Norrkoping area. The main two sponsors of the tour are:

Claus Pedersen [email protected] in Denmark.

Ingmar Johansson [email protected] in Sweden.

There will also be another tour in November. That one will run threw the United Kingdom & Sweden. More information to follow.

Tim Hartman
Remy A. Presas' Modern Arnis

· September 16th, Copenhagen, Denmark. Datu Hartman will be teaching Modern Arnis Stick & Knife Concepts. For more information contact Claus Pedersen [email protected]

· September 17th, Koege, Denmark. Datu Hartman will be teaching Mano Y Daga Concepts. For more information contact Claus Pedersen [email protected]

· September 18th, Otterup, Denmark. Datu Hartman will be teaching Mano Y Daga Concepts. For more information contact Thomas Rasmussen [email protected]

· September 19th, Aarhus, Denmark. Datu Hartman will be teaching Modern Arnis Stick & Knife Concepts. For more information contact Thorbjoern Hartelius [email protected] or [email protected]

· September 20th, Aalborg, Denmark. Datu Hartman will be teaching Modern Arnis Stick & Knife Concepts. For more information contact Claus Pedersen [email protected]

· September 21th, Holstebro, Denmark. Datu Hartman will be teaching Modern Arnis Stick Concepts. For more information contact Claus Pedersen [email protected]

· September 22th - 29th, Norrkoping, Sweden. Datu Hartman will be teaching Modern Arnis Stick & Knife Concepts. For more information contact Ingmar Johansson [email protected]
Thanks for the dates. I will be attempting a coup during your absense. If I succeed, you will be banished and will have to affiliate with some other group. I have already subverted Thor and Loki. The die is cast.

Your friend and traitor to the cause,

PS - Have a safe and prosperous trip.
Originally posted by Dan Anderson

Your friend and traitor to the cause

I'd like to point out that my loyalty is always for sale.

I think we all know what kind of music we'll have to play for Mr. Anderson's coronation as WMAA head--does anyone know who James Brown's agent is? Will he do a gig in Buffalo?
This is the time to strike......:D
For cool cash we will offcourse be happy to torture Tim and make him dissapear somewhere in Scandinavia - and i am not thinking off swedish/danish girls, beer etc. No this is hard bargain for his life. You can just send a check on a huge amount and we will make his time as hard as possible.
:asian: sincerely
Watch it you clowns! Well I make it to Denmark and they lost my bags!!!!!!!

More to follow.:apv: :jediduel: :redeme:
I got my luggage back! I've completed 2 seminers and they went GREAT! Tonight I'll be teaching in Ottenrup and tomorrow in Aarhus. Talk to you guys later.

Tim Hartman
Remy A. Presas' Modern Arnis
Norrköping is my home town... it's a really nice city with a lot of history! I'll bet you'll like it there...

As far as I've heard Ingmar Johansson is a really nice guy too, running the most popular martial art club in town (Kenpo Karate).

And I've been curious about Arnis... maybe one should take a trip home... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by arnisador

I sold the West Seneca school to a TKD group--hope that won't be an issue.


I am glad you got your luggage back. Did I put the wrong Address on them for you?? :D


You promised to sell the West Seneca school to me. I am hurt. :eek:

I do hope the rest of your trip is well Tim.
(* Now only to figure out how to replace Tim's Passport photo with mine :rofl: *)

Just had Tim in Aarhus for a Modern Arnis seminar last night. He did great. It was fun, hard and very informative.
We discussed the idea of mugging him, or selling him as a slave to the Norwegians, but after chekking with the bank and seeing that You americans only sent 5 dollars and a waterpistol for our assasination - well...he is still around (I think).
He has taken the train up north to Aalborg to teach our Modern Arnis group some tricks or two.
...can I buy his dogs?
Well, we had the pleasure of having Tim in Aalborg yesterday, and we all had a great time. But it seems like the guys in Aarhus didnt give him enough to eat, because Tim tried to pull my ear of to eat it, i think :D
Well i have posted some pictures from the seminar on our website. under "Billeder"
And the ear pulling evidence is there too:erg:

Yes we do but they would not keep him there ( said he was a bad influence on their dogs :rofl: )
But we won in the end. When I took Tim to the airport this morning, I warned him that Ingmar would put him to work as soon as he got up there and he would not believe me .
Well Ingmar called this afternoon and informed me that Tim did indeed have seminars this evening so.......:angel: (note to self : have to remember to send Ingmar some mo......ahem. ;) )
Take care
When I get back I'm going to kick you butts! Made it to Sweden and all is well. Be back soon.

:D Hope U are havin fun Mr.Hartman.

:D But not to much we want U back to close the deal on the school.

Take care & have a safe Trip
Originally posted by Renegade

When I get back I'm going to kick you butts! Made it to Sweden and all is well. Be back soon.


As your personal friend (and possibly your only one as well) and as an acknowledged karate master, I'd advise you to hit them with a stick instead. I've seen your kicking and I don't think you can generate that much power in your kick to that great an elevation to do much damage. Keep your own council and make your own decisions but I'd hate to see it come up on this or any other forum about you tickling someone's heiny with your foot when your intention was to kick it. Not good at all for the reputation.

Your Mentor,

Dan Anderson (formerly known as "Super Dan" prior to aging and balding but still able to keep the myth alive in wonderfully writtten books which, by the way, happen to be for sale)
Maximum security prisons....
Claus and I tried to convince the Swedish covernment that it would be safest for everybody if they replaced all of Tims seminars to Svalbard - a small island far far far up north close to the Arctic circle. The government went happy along (off course - having had Tim in the country before), but we got trouble with Greenpeace. :D
So I guess You will all have to deal with him again. Sorry :cool: But we will try again next time You deport him to Europe.
Originally posted by

Maximum security prisons....
Claus and I tried to convince the Swedish covernment that it would be safest for everybody if they replaced all of Tims seminars to Svalbard - a small island far far far up north close to the Arctic circle. The government went happy along (off course - having had Tim in the country before), but we got trouble with Greenpeace. :D
So I guess You will all have to deal with him again. Sorry :cool: But we will try again next time You deport him to Europe.

That's it! I'm charging you double from now on for your knives!