OC Spray

This highlights my point however...

No one trains with OC but LEO's. So people who buy OC are really buying a false sense of security. People at least marginally intellegent ones know that you have to train to use a gun effectivly.

I doubt those same people are aware you have to train to use OC effectively. I still think that a tazer is a better tool for those that aren't familure with weapons.

At least they are point and click granted I haven't ever used one (or trained to use one) so perhaps I'm falling victim to my own statement. Perhaps tazers also require that level of training to use effectively.
A Tazer is in the same classilication as an impact tool, it can, if used incorrectly become a lethal weapon.
Tazer Pro:
*It will knock down a large or aggressive attacker,
*It is more effective than OC,
*Most of the time it is not weather restricted like the OC spray is.

Tazer Con:
*Depending on the type- it must be aimed or make direct contact with
your opponent. They are very range specific,
*If the attacker has a heart problem or pacemaker the shock from the Tazer could cause a lethal result,
*The Tazer units batteries must be maintained,
*In some cases the attacker will come out of the shock stage quickly and attempt to re-attack so a second charge has to be used,
*Depending on the type, some or the projectile type Tazer units are as large as a gun,
*The Tazer should not make contact to the attacker in his neck or head area.

These are a few of the areas that should be considered before you buy one. Unfortunitly the bad guys are using tazers as well.
A*In some cases the attacker will come out of the shock stage quickly and attempt to re-attack so a second charge has to be used

He is correct..There was an OSP that wound up "zapping" an arrested suspect numerous before he complied, and that's with one of the LE models..ARe the civilian models as strong...

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