


Wow, just got done with a great camp here with Doreen Cogliandro and her right hand man Sita Van from Boston USA.


Also on the bill for this camp was Ingmar Johansson from Sweden.


Martin Wheeler stopped in to give a taste of Systema to it all as well.


Also Jason Arnold was there doing some great stuff.


And even Tim Hartman was there popping sticks.


What a great weekend camp. Well put together. Good flow. Something for everyone, at any level. Lots of fun during and after the camp. It's too bad so many more couldn't make it. A pretty big group though. There's always next year!

P.S. - Thanx for the bandaid Dot!
I have to agree with Gou. I had a really great time and my thanks to Paul and his crew for a great seminar.

I learned a lot, which sometimes is hard at seminars, but as I was in the beginner class I picked up a lot more than when trying to keep up with the higher belts.

All the instructors did excellent jobs. They made it exciting and fun.

It was nice to work with an female instructor, Doreen had a great sence of humour she made it all look easy. :) She showed me and the others how to correct all the small things we need to work on in our stances. A very important part of Kenpo.

Igmar was his usual power pack self. Such energy and passion, if he could bottle it he'd make a fortune. He really helped me to clarify things I was doing wrong.

Martin Wheelers class was Very Kewl, that sastama stuff is interesting. I'll be going the next time he's in town, if I can

Tim Hartman's always great to work with, he taught us some very kewl wrist locks both armed and unarmed.

Jason nearly killed me again in the warm up on saturday but I made it through. The old bod's justa screaming at me right now. Man do I need to start working out again. I think I'll go have a nap.

Bravo to all. :asian:

Dear kenpo brother and sisters

I have to say thank you to all of you that took your time to come and play with us during the camp. It felt honored to be invited again to teach at Mr Dawdy's camp I can see a lot of improvment seens last years when I was here.

I want to congratulate Mr Dawdy for being a great host. And thank you my brothers Jason and Tim for taking there time to guide me around this big cities of Canada and America.

I'm happy that soo many came out and I hope I have been able to give everyone something to tailor kenpo to themselves. hopefully another tool to thier personal toolbox.

Keep the spirit and the energy up high until our roads crosses again.


Ingmar Johansson
Ed Parker's Kenpo Karate Sweden

I hope to see you in Sweden for the Viking Spirit Camp 17:th 19:th of may.

:viking3: :viking2: :biggun:
i would like to say thanks to all who attended my classes and to my personal students that came out to support it thank you. i would also like to say thank you to paul for giving me the opportunity to teach there once again i had a blast. and to all the instructors there, to Doreen thank you for your insights they were just what i needed,to ingmar my bro and friend thank you for the extra stuff if you know what i mean,to tim hartman for just being tim(my bro as well)unfortunately tim was teaching the same time i was,to martin wheeler for the systema and the grappling sessiion we had ,sorry for the suplex though haha and to my london kenpo family paul pat doug brent julie dot breyson etc... thanks oh yeah and our transplant canadian sita(your a good sport).
jay:D :) :D ;)
I have to say it was an amazing camp. I had a blast. And its all Pat's fault! My brain is still on overload and I have over 20 pages of notes(Gou, 4 from the systema stuff). It was great to meet Martin Wheeler, Ingmar Johanson, and Mrs. Cogliandro made the camp worth the price of admission the first night. As for Sita, well I will never forget his smile, that never seemed to leave after friday night. Renegade and Jaybacca did their normal outstanding best when teaching their classes. It was cool to train and get dumped all over the floor all weekend by many friends.

Congratulations to Pauls and his people for running a great event.

It takes a lot courage to attempt an event like this. Too many instructors want you to attend their events all and the time but when it is time for your stuff they don't show and tend to disuade their students for attending. Too many of the instructors in the region are guilty of this, which is really sad when you think of all the great talent that taught this weekend. Maybe these people who have a problem with their students exploring the infinite world of kenpo should start attending these events to bring up their skill level so they won't be embarassed when their students learn how much more there really is out there. :soapbox:

I just want to know when I can start learning Mexican Judo.

Come on, you all know I made that guy my beeyatch!
Ha ha ha!

Sita is a kewl dude and one hell of a fun guy. I can't wait to see him again.

And Ingmar...I'm coming to get youuuuuu!

Oh yeah...and i had a blast with FUDGE!
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
I have to say it was an amazing camp. I had a blast. And its all Pat's fault! My brain is still on overload and I have over 20 pages of notes(Gou, 4 from the systema stuff

Yes, it's something quite unto itself isn't it?

Originally posted by Rob_Broad
It takes a lot courage to attempt an event like this. Too many instructors want you to attend their events all and the time but when it is time for your stuff they don't show and tend to disuade their students for attending.

Or show up at the end to pump their event but not support yours?

Originally posted by Rob_Broad
I just want to know when I can start learning Mexican Judo.

Dude, Middle eastern Keyai's are your forte!
Que pasa vato

Gou Ronin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me a place and a time and I will be there.

I will see you in august.
This message will be remembered.

The little viking with big teeth

:viking2: :viking3: :moon: :armed:
You're welcome at my house anytime Ingmar. You have a standing invitation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Thank you love I will be there

So I diden't know you were avalible 24/7/365.
Interesting see you soon dog lover.

Ingmar Johansson
Kenpo sweden

:D :cheers: :viking3: :viking1:
Originally posted by Kenpo viking

Thank you love I will be there

So I diden't know you were avalible 24/7/365.
Interesting see you soon dog lover.

Ingmar Johansson
Kenpo sweden

:D :cheers: :viking3: :viking1:

Too many bad comments to be made from that reply. maybe you guys had too much fun on the weekend.

But it was a great camp!
Originally posted by Kenpo viking
Thank you love I will be there
So I diden't know you were avalible 24/7/365.
Interesting see you soon dog lover.

Ingmar, you make me laugh. Just make sure when you get on the floor to work out you remember to put pants on!
I think is was great all of you who attended, and for those who did the teaching, simply incredible.
As for all the kind words being posted here, it is great to know so many people enjoyed themseleves, and wanted to share with everyone.
You are all incredible people!!!!!:p