Now this one is Just weird:


MTS Alumni
Doctors Warn: Leave the Toilet Seat UP!

Here's some ammo for the next time your girlfriend or wife chews you out for leaving the toilet seat up -- doctors say it's actually better to keep the seat up, especially if you have kids around.

Dr. Joe Philip and his colleagues at the Leighton Hospital in England are recommending a flipped-up ring due to a phenomenon of heavy wooden and ornamental toilet seats falling down on unsuspecting little boys' penises. Seriously. There's been instances of newly potty-trained tykes trying to lift seats that prove too heavy, and come crashing down. Wee-wees have consequently entered a world of pain, sometimes enough to warrant an overnight stay at the hospital.

The pain isn't just physical. "We are concerned that the growing trend of heavy toilet seats poses a risk not only to their health, but to their confidence," said Philip.
I wonder why 'consumer' versions of the toilet seat with the front gap like those found in public and business restrooms/WCs aren't more popular?
This bring back any traumatic memories for anyone? Fess up!

Lack confidence from an early toilet seat experience?

Definitely never shut the lid! Oh, my! Don't even want to imagine!
Well, here's a couple of thoughts:

I read a study I can't find right now that men who sit to urinate can extend the health and life of their prostates and urinary systems. Something about sitting taking the pressure off the bladder and it is able to empty completely and the prostate not becoming strained by the effort of standing AND urinating. :idunno: My boys sit to pee. All of them. And all the men I know in their 50s and higher who have always sat to pee say they have the prostate of a 30-year-old. So ... if there's no science in it, there's certainly a strong coincidence.

Another thought: seat spacers. You can create a space of up to about 2 inches - probably more if you're industrious - between the seat and the bowl.

Yet another: There are seat sets that have a slow-close feature, so even if the seat tips and starts to fall a mechanism keep it from free-falling on weeing little smokies. We have them for company. Spendy but worth it IMO.
Not weird at all, if you have a little boy toddler, particularly a short, little boy toddler.

My wife will just have to deal with looking down before she sits down.
And enjoy the billions of fecal bacteria you will ingest that landed on your toothbrush (if you flush with the lid up).
My wife will just have to deal with looking down before she sits down.
That's exactly what I tell my wife. How is it my fault if she doesn't look before she sits and has a splashdown? :idunno:

And enjoy the billions of fecal bacteria you will ingest that landed on your toothbrush (if you flush with the lid up).
Last I checked, toilet lids aren't airtight.
Well, here's a couple of thoughts:

I read a study I can't find right now that men who sit to urinate can extend the health and life of their prostates and urinary systems. Something about sitting taking the pressure off the bladder and it is able to empty completely and the prostate not becoming strained by the effort of standing AND urinating. :idunno: My boys sit to pee. All of them. And all the men I know in their 50s and higher who have always sat to pee say they have the prostate of a 30-year-old. So ... if there's no science in it, there's certainly a strong coincidence.

The things I learn on!!!

I love it that your guys get to experience the middle of the night splashdown!!

The lid is not airtight, you're right, but it does a better job blocking the spray when it's down! :)
The things I learn on!!!

I love it that your guys get to experience the middle of the night splashdown!!

The lid is not airtight, you're right, but it does a better job blocking the spray when it's down! :)
Unfortunately, in the Wal-Mart bathroom there are no lidded toilets. I try to hide in the corner of the stall before the toilet automatically flushes. It's akin to the Yellowstone Geyser...or a bidet.
And you know whats funny, I just recalled a bit of Spoken Word by Henry Rollins talking about a man suing a place because he crushed his penis in the toliet seat this way... and him trying really hard to reproduce the effect and how much effort he had to make. LOL.
Reads this... shakes head in disgust and walks away from the thread muttering under his breath... stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid ....

But Caver, answer me this... if a toilet seat fell and crushed your penis, and a good samartian tried to save you but it got bent for life...

Would you sue?

This bring back any traumatic memories for anyone? Fess up!

Lack confidence from an early toilet seat experience?

Definitely never shut the lid! Oh, my! Don't even want to imagine!

Yes it does bring back painful memories. For it did happen to me.

Well, here's a couple of thoughts:

I read a study I can't find right now that men who sit to urinate can extend the health and life of their prostates and urinary systems. Something about sitting taking the pressure off the bladder and it is able to empty completely and the prostate not becoming strained by the effort of standing AND urinating. :idunno: My boys sit to pee. All of them. And all the men I know in their 50s and higher who have always sat to pee say they have the prostate of a 30-year-old. So ... if there's no science in it, there's certainly a strong coincidence.

Another thought: seat spacers. You can create a space of up to about 2 inches - probably more if you're industrious - between the seat and the bowl.

Yet another: There are seat sets that have a slow-close feature, so even if the seat tips and starts to fall a mechanism keep it from free-falling on weeing little smokies. We have them for company. Spendy but worth it IMO.

Well, for my luck, there were some spacers and the deflection upon impact was not enough to cause permanent physical damage (* twitch *), honest.

The funny thing is that this was one of the arguements that my ex-wife and I could not agree upon. She wanted the lid up, but the seat down. My arguement was that if I lifted two, and replaced them, then she coudl life one and replace it back down. I guess I was wrong.

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