Ninjukai Taijutsu

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2nd Black Belt
there is an art based in W.A Australia called ninjukai taijutsu i think there is a website the grandmaster is a chinese man called john ang

anybody have any info on this fraud
is there any ninjukai in your area?????

he says he is one of 3 living GM of the art/??????? he must mean ashida kim and frank dux are the other 2
Did anyone check out the pictures from their "demo team"? Why are they doing flying sidekicks and TKD punches? And did you see how many belts they have? Like 15 or

I guess it goes back to the word Ninja=money.
Originally posted by moromoro
there is an art based in W.A Australia called ninjukai taijutsu i think there is a website the grandmaster is a chinese man called john ang

anybody have any info on this fraud

What makes you think he is a fraud?

I visited the school like 3 years ago, the techniques I saw didn't appeal to me (thats not to say it was bad - different things appeal to different people). I respect John Ang's history of fighting racism, particularly in the 80s when Anti Asian groups were running around causing trouble here in WA (anyone fighting for a good cause is alright in my books)

From what I understand he learned his Ninjukai in Singapore and his system is based on an older style of Ninjitsu to that of Bujinkan Ninjitsu.
to gravity this man is a fraud!

and it is suckers like you that keep people like him in business

From what I understand he learned his Ninjukai in Singapore and his system is based on an older style of Ninjitsu to that of Bujinkan Ninjitsu.

where is his proof, no certificate??

the japanese emperor has given hatsumi sensei the cultural award, his is now the only true school of ninjutsu. Fujita sensei died in the 60's leaving no successor to koga ryu.....
Originally posted by moromoro
to gravity this man is a fraud!

and it is suckers like you that keep people like him in business

Hmmm suckers like me.....thats cute. Its good to see you have a diplomatic way of conveying your point of view. If you had read my post properly you would see I mentioned his "history of fighting racism, particularly in the 80s when Anti Asian groups were running around causing trouble here in WA". No where in my post did I qualify his system, credibility or training. All I said was "From what I understand he learned his Ninjukai in Singapore and his system is based on an older style of Ninjitsu to that of Bujinkan Ninjitsu". Is that considered an endorsement?

Therefore I don't need proof in respecting his desire to fight racism. I commented on his humanistic side not his martial side.

Also I do not, nor have I ever trained in his System. I said "the techniques I saw didn't appeal to me". Kindly re-read my previous post and you'll see I never qualified his system. I merely commented on his admirable fight against racism.

Finally if you feel so passionately about him being a fraud why don't you bring up the issue with him personally instead of a forum?
with all due respect there where also child sex allegations about mr ang in the mid 90's........

now i can respect the fact that he did fight for racism but the notion about the history of his school is total BS.......
I find it odd that one of their uniforms is a kung fu uniform.

I'd be interesting in knowing the koryu of this ninjukai taijutsu, as well as any information about makimono for the ryuha.

Originally posted by moromoro
with all due respect there where also child sex allegations about mr ang in the mid 90's........

now i can respect the fact that he did fight for racism but the notion about the history of his school is total BS.......

With all due respect....thats nice and genuine after you called me a sucker :D

As for his history don't preach to me I'm not even a Ninjitsu practitioner. You should convey your passionate opinions to him.
You should convey your passionate opinions to him.

many people have probably called him a fake and fraud on the phone and to his face....

if i was in perth i would be added to his hate list also
ok guys...i am a student at the hombu dojo in perth wa,and i study under john ang in ninjukai taijutsu.He is not a fraud.If you met the guy and spoke to him you would understand that.He doesnt claim to be an ancient ninja grandmaster and he doesnt teach ninjutsu.And as for him being a fraud and making money from the school thats BS,its a non profit organisation and he makes hardly anything off it.It bothers me that such high ranking martial artists are throwing around these opinions of the guy without meeting him.You should be displaying alot more respect in the least.I ask that you before you critisize and brand him as a fraud that you read the history section of the website and also his short biography which also has a fairly long essay written by him on the Bujinkan and Hatsumi sensei.Or even better come and visit the school itself and talk to the people there.I'm sure you wouldnt be so disrespectful if you met John Ang himself,you would feel honored as i was to talk to him,he really is a great guy...but this is just my opinion.Though i do hope that you take the time to read his essay on Ninjutsu and the Bujinkan.Thanks...
All I will say is this i looked at his website i dissagree with what he promotes but if that art is what you like to do and it works for you GREAT! Just don't give a crap about what people say on the net. Seems there are a lot of internet critics and experts on the martial arts. Just practice.

Tim Craig
Uh, Genin Andrew,

What you are saying is just another variation of what we have heard from the defenders of various frauds time and time again. You like what you see, great! So do the guys that train under Ashida Kim. John Ang does charity work- great! So does Frank Dux. You think that only people who take the trip to see Ang should comment on him- great Saddam Hussein thinks so too.

Ang claims that he learned a ninja art with ties back to the 8th century. Yeah right. If he can not even show that he actually had a teacher wh otaught him this art, or a Japanese source for his art that actually exists and can be verified on our own then we will treat him like a fraud just like we do Frnak Dux. If it looks like a Dux and quacks like a Dux....

Ang has made claims. He does not seem eager to back up those claims. The responsibility is on him to prove those claims and not anyone else. And I see nothign to distinguish him from frauds such as Jack Stern, Ashida Kim, Frank Dux, the Konigun, etc, etc.
heretic888 said:
ummm... guys, I don't think this is the most appropriate place for your 'discussion'.
If the system was from China why would it need Makimono?
also ;
ninjukaiwebsite said:
In 1924 Jushin Oshima established the school that came to be known as Ninjukai Taijutsu. He wanted his school to study as closely as possible the way of the Ninjas as practiced in the 8th - 12th Century. Jushin Oshima was a naval captain in the Japanese Imperial Army, and it was his devotion and research that ensured the survival of the art in its present form.
so aside from the fact that there are tonfa and sai in the pics, It's home-made by this guy in 1924. Not a koryu.

Don Roley said:
You think that only people who take the trip to see Ang should comment on him- great Saddam Hussein thinks so too.
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