Nice work folks!



Just wanted to drop you all a note and say congrats. It has been really nice seeing this forum grow the way it has in the past few months. You are doing a great job! Being a webmaster for a large site I can tell you that I really appreciate the amount of work it takes to stay on top of something like this, keep it clean, keep everything running smooth and the make all the users happy. Hats off to you for a job well done!


Sandor Urban
Webmaster CKF Online
From what I have seen here, there is a large group
of people that either work with computers or
have seen the amount of work required to do
something like this project.

And, in the knowing they appricate the work here
and treat it with the respect it deserves.

Thanks to the hosts, the moderators and to
the participants.

Mr. Hubbard does a great job that is indeed time-intensive. The mods. try to help but as always it's the participants that provide the content and atmosphere that makes it worth coming here. Thanks to all for the kind words!
Originally posted by Sandor

Just wanted to drop you all a note and say congrats. It has been really nice seeing this forum grow the way it has in the past few months. You are doing a great job! Being a webmaster for a large site I can tell you that I really appreciate the amount of work it takes to stay on top of something like this, keep it clean, keep everything running smooth and the make all the users happy. Hats off to you for a job well done!


Sandor Urban
Webmaster CKF Online

Ditto :iws:
Thank you. Without all the great members and all the help the mods give me though, this place wouldn't be 1/2 as good.
