We had a 'Cappilicous' time at Cappi Camp



Hey, I just wanted to say thanks to Mike Cappi for hosting such a great event once again. You can tell Cappi loves hosting these events almost as much as sending us home afterwards(yuk yuk:asian:)We had a blast in the classes and clinics we attended as well as the privates we had. It was nice to see many faces I haven't seen in a long time there as well.

Sorry I didn't get around to working out with a few of you... but how many opportunities to you get to be beat up by Mrs. C? I know we are all wishing Zach Whitson a speedy recovery, that blown out knee was the big downer for the camp. It didn't stop everyone from training hard and banging it up a bit anyways on Sunday.

Josh... dude... your kenpo is looking excellent. Keep up the great work! I finally got to meet and workout with Larry Kongaika (sorry if I spelled that wrong)...nice guy, great Kenpo and currently a record holder in earning a nickname from the crew in under fifteen minutes. If this guy is the smallest one in the family..jeeze they just don't make them small eh?

I am already looking forward to next years camp:)

Anyways..post your props to the Cappi clan here and I'll be sure to forward them to him.

Before I forget... a big [SIZE=+4]THANK YOU[/SIZE] to Mrs. Cappi for putting up with all of us beating each other round the clock for 4 days in her house... behind every great guy has got to be an even greater woman... Manses is definately that woman!!! Next year we have to think up something special for her to show our appreciation. Ideas? email them so we don't give it away ;)

Good afternoon everyone!

I just wanted to underscore Sandor's big thank you to Mr. Cappi and Mrs. Cappi! Once again, it was a great weekend in Lansdale and we are very appreciative for all that they do to make these weekends happen.

I also just wanted to personally thank a great group of friends that have grown from these camps year after year; Sandor, Stef, Derek, Fileti, Mr. Parker Jr., Mr. Whitson...the list goes on and on. I am honored to be friends with you and I look forward to more great times!

I hope all is well and can not wait till the next camp! Or just the IKC 2003! It is going to be a blast.

Joshua Ryer
UPK Pittsburgh