New to Arnis


White Belt
Apr 3, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all,

I'm new to Arnis. The school I go to teaches Modern Arnis. I'm enjoying it so much.... I train 5 days a week. Its still a bit confusing.... to get my hands and body to move correctly. Even though I see the move in my head but to get it down to my hands etc is sometimes hard hahahaha.

I've been training for a few months.... I'm an Arnis Addict now hahahaha.

I wish I started training in Arnis when I was younger.

I'm going to build my own training dummies, so I can train at home. I even do a little training at work. I work in a hospital, so I do some Siniwali and Deccadena, while walking around. I even practise on some work mates hahaha:jediduel:

If anyone has any ideas on ways to practise... let me know...

Excellent and keep going!
I really admire the FMAs. My son has been a student of Kali for about six or seven years now and is working his way into the advanced ranks. The level of training his class does would put me away. I'd be gassed before I ever got to pick up a pair of sticks. Watched him grade recently. The results are quite impressive.
Keep on training! Modern Arnis is like an onion! you peel one layer, only to find others.

Chris A
Sounds like you are on the right track, to gain extra practice just keep attending your Arnis classes.