new system?


Black Belt
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
Lake County,Ohio
Is anyone familiar with the Shurite ryu tai jutsu system? I believe its an off shoot of Mr.David German's Tai Kenpo. I am not real sure I have the name completely correct? I read a little about the founder (Mr.Christian?) a while back, and was intrigued. Thanks.

Salute in Christ,
Donald :asian:
Originally posted by arnisador
Are these the ones that advertise the chin-na tapes in the front of the magazines.

Thats them. I've read Dr. Christians articles in the past. Basically he or his instructor modernized and blended their Karate with Chi Na. If you think the way I do, then his outlook will make sense. But if you're not open minded to "bending" tradition, you might not get where he's coming from.

If you find one of the magazine articles and read it and look at the techniques, it might make sense. But then if your not into Jujitsu or something similar you might not get into it.

One thing he said that I liked went something like:

Some body told him you can't do Chi Na while doing Karate (while wearing a Karate gi) and he said " I just did."

Originally posted by akja

One thing he said that I liked went something like:

Some body told him you can't do Chi Na while doing Karate (while wearing a Karate gi) and he said " I just did."


Sounds like my kind of instructor:asian:
Originally posted by akja

One thing he said that I liked went something like:

Some body told him you can't do Chi Na while doing Karate (while wearing a Karate gi) and he said " I just did."


When you start doing Chin-na whilst wearing a Karate Gi, you would have to change the name to Tuite. :)

What a crock. If it was dependant on the clothes you wear for effectiveness, then you'd be in deep doo-doo if attacked by someone wearing the wrong clothes.
