New From Kentucky

Sacred Warrior said:
Thank you everyone for such a friendly welcome! It is rare to see that on martial boards. I'm in Northern Ky. and if someone has specific questions about my approach to teaching I'd be happy to answer them.

You may want to check out the Philosophy and Spirituality in the Arts forum. Plenty of good intelligent discussion there. :)
As nice as everyone here has been I'm afraid I must take my leave of this forum. In another thread I found my character, rank and parent art, school, and even signature the object of petty attack and smears. I can only suspect that those responsible will follow me from thread to thread continuing the juvenile behavior. I am thankful for the warm welcome each of you gave me and felt I owed you an explanation. I wish you each the best.

Living with Purpose, on Purpose,
Sacred Warrior said:
if someone has specific questions about my approach to teaching I'd be happy to answer them Jake

As Gemini said "You'll get them"..In the meantimes Greetings and welcome to MT...I head down to Lexington every Nov for the ICHF seminar..
Sacred Warrior said:
As nice as everyone here has been I'm afraid I must take my leave of this forum. In another thread I found my character, rank and parent art, school, and even signature the object of petty attack and smears. I can only suspect that those responsible will follow me from thread to thread continuing the juvenile behavior. I am thankful for the warm welcome each of you gave me and felt I owed you an explanation. I wish you each the best.

Living with Purpose, on Purpose,
Every site has its quirks. We try to keep ours to the minimum. I hope that you will reconsider and give us some time to get to know each other better. If not, then best wishes on your journey sir.

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