New forum member


Blue Belt
Jun 3, 2006
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Hello. I am new to this forum. I currently study ATA Songahm TKD. I am a 1st degree black belt and plan on becoming an instructor. I am Male and 21 years old. Any ATA member out there?

no not really
we dont have much TKD people here.. sorry

jk, you will bump into TKD practitioners everywhere on MT, which by itself makes MT a great experience.

Welcome to MT and enjoy posting
Welcome and happy posting, rabbit! There are quite a few (including myself) that practices Tae Kwon Do. Although I'm not ATA, there are a few of those as well that will be more than happy to talk as well.
What is this TDK you speak of ??? :)

Welcome, to MT

Serioulsy, I use to do TDK way that I think about it...before you were probaly born......... damn I'm old...
Welcome Rabbit!! Just 1 or 2 TKD practitioners here! HaHa! Enjoy your stay, this is a great group here!
Welcome to Mt, rabbit! Don't mind the insect, he's one o' those "other" guys. :) There are a few ATA folks around, but we pretty much all share regardless.

Oh and, I was only kiddin' about the insect. He's a very cool and knowledgable dude. :)

Looking forward to your posts!
Welcome to MT! And yes, we have a few TKD practioners floating around; you already bumped into at least a couple on this thread. :)

I used to practice TKD during my teen years, which was MANY moons ago... ;)
Hey there and welcome. I too am an ATA black belt, but my primary study has always been Karate. I started TKD to deveolp my kicks while I was in Alabama. Looking forward to gooing back there this winter and working on my Songahm 2nd Degree.

Enjoy and happy posting!
Welcome - another TKD'er!!!! I started in the ITF, and still do ITF-style TKD using Gen. Choi's Encyclopedia, but our association is not currently part of an international association. There's lots of TKD people here - enjoy!
Welcme I'm not ATA but I do ITF and Kukkiwon and WTF so lets talk.
Welcome to Martial Talk!! Enjoy your stay!!:)

rabbit said:
Hello. I am new to this forum. I currently study ATA Songahm TKD. I am a 1st degree black belt and plan on becoming an instructor. I am Male and 21 years old. Any ATA member out there?


Welcome, Rabbit! :wavey: Looking forward to more posts from you! Care to explain why you chose your username? Just curious....

- Ceicei
Hey, Welcome to MT :wavey: