New England Sword & Hapkido Seminar

Chris from CT

Purple Belt
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
Connecticut, USA
Kuhapdo Sword & Jung Ki Hapkido Seminar
with Master Todd Miller

Saturday, August 24 from 11:00am - 2:00pm

Sherwood Island State Park in Westport, CT.

$40.00 includes Bokken/Mokdo (wooden training sword)
$30.00 (participant must supply their own Bokken/Mokdo)

All participants must have their own Bokken/Mokdo to participate.
No live blades will be allowed.

For more information contact Chris LaCava at [email protected]

For more info on Kuhapdo you can go to Master Todd's Website at...

Take care. :)
This sounds like a lot of fun. Wish I could make it. Please post a review afterwards. I'd be interested in hearing more.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
This sounds like a lot of fun. Wish I could make it. Please post a review afterwards. I'd be interested in hearing more.

Will do. I'm getting pretty pumped about it.
It's coming up quick.
I'll let some of the Hapkido people in my area know about this may some of them can get down to it.

Have a good time and enjoy training outdoors.

Originally posted by tshadowchaser
I'll let some of the Hapkido people in my area know about this may some of them can get down to it.

Have a good time and enjoy training outdoors.


Thanks. I'm crossing my fingers for good weather. :D

Take care.
We lucked out! The weather was real nice. Just to play it safe we had our seminar under the pavillion overlooking the water. There was a great breeze blowing through most of the time to keep everyone very comfortable. Although a little more sweat wouldn't have hurt matters. :)

We started off with an intro to the sword and how to pass it to another person. From there we went onto drawing and resheathing the sword. We continued onto some basic cuts and then drills to drive the point home.

The second half of the seminar was designated for Hapkido. Good old fasioned hands on Hapkido. We went through general breakaways and basic technique applying the offbalancing theories in each technique we did. From there we added variations to them.

I hope to get Master Miller (we can't forget about Bob and Jim :D) down here again soon.

Take care :asian:
Sounds like a good event. I'm sorry I missed it. Did you get any picstures during the seminar?

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Sounds like a good event. I'm sorry I missed it. Did you get any picstures during the seminar?

It was a good time! We'll get you down here for the next one. :)

There were quite a few shots taken, but I've only scanned in a couple so far and put them on our site.

I have to try and get my hands on some of the digital camera shots that people were taking. :)

Take care. :asian: