new blue belts!



:cheers: I wanted to congratulate my students Jason Beam and Paul Ferranti on their recent promotion to blue belt! They both have been training for about two years and have worked very hard for this. Good job guys and keep training! The white belts are looking hungry now :D

- Kyle
Fantastic accomplishment fellas! Well, deserved honor. When do you test for your purple belts? :D
Hey, congrats!

How long on average to reach Blue?


Varies quite a bit, but for the vast majority of folks you can expect 1 to 2 years going 2x to 3x week consistently.

- Kyle
Cool. Thanks!

Blue is the 1st belt you award right?
Wow, cool! I *knew* that I was getting thrown about and tapped at will by blue belt level grapplers!

Congratulations Paul and Jason!

I've been trying to lose weight so I don't get paired with those two anymore, but no luck!! Sometimes, you've just gotta take your beating.

The belts are well deserved, for two hard workers and all-around class acts.
Thanks everyone!

I actually just discovered this place. Cool forum! Doesn't seem to have the trolls like the underground. Even though some of the ITG people are now at NHBGear, I don't think it is quite the same.:(

So now we'll have a separate blue belt division for warm-ups - especially the bear crawl, right? I mean, now it would be insulting for Jason and Paul to have me carrying them. :D
Bake -

Good to hear from you. At least we get to see you online, if not in class. :lol:

There's a persistent rumor that Kyle has decided to allow ME to assign all warmups for the blue belts, to prevent them from developing too much of a superiority complex. You know they already made me bow to them 3x...

Beam, better practice those millipedes.

Congrats to Jason and Paul. Well deserved. I will see you guys next week.

hey, that counts too! Anything in BJJ is exciting.....

You know, as hard as it is to get rank in BJJ as compared to other arts, I felt the same way! I'm about to go for my third colored belt in the other art this instructor teaches and I'm just getting now a stripe in this!