Netmeeting and Webcams



For those of you out there with the hardware and software, why aren't you using it? I make myself available for those kinds interactions all the time and I've been promoting this idea for over a year now and it seems only a handful of people have really taken advantage of the idea. If you're interested, shoot me an email and exchange phone numbers and I can tell you what setup you need. Then we set up times that are good for both parties and VOILA, instant idea exchange in living color. Besides that, it's a great way to get to know people as well, FACE TO FACE, so you can see the expressions and body language. If the technology is there, I'm damn sure gonna take advantage of it, how bout you?

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

For those of you out there with the hardware and software, why aren't you using it? I make myself available for those kinds interactions all the time and I've been promoting this idea for over a year now and it seems only a handful of people have really taken advantage of the idea. If you're interested, shoot me an email and exchange phone numbers and I can tell you what setup you need. Then we set up times that are good for both parties and VOILA, instant idea exchange in living color. Besides that, it's a great way to get to know people as well, FACE TO FACE, so you can see the expressions and body language. If the technology is there, I'm damn sure gonna take advantage of it, how bout you?

Have a great Kenpo day



Give me a call, me and Jeff both have webcams Im sure he would be up for it (hes a comp geek too) ....let me know what software i need. We both have yahoo messenger I knwo you can view webcams on there

yahoo messenger voice chats are great fun, and they do support web cams.

I heard AIM has a voice chat option also, but I don't know if it's any good, or if it supports web cams. Does anyone know?
We will need Netmeeting as well, i haven't been able to find a free copy to pirate off of the net (oops did i say that)...but maybe brian can get a hold of one for us, he has friends in low places. :)
I don't think AIM has any video anything, but i haven't dug completely into it. I think Yahoo is better for that sort of thing.
I agree with Clyde,

It's a good technology to get to see and speak to people without the cost of LD. I've had a chance to "see and talk to Clyde" and it was cool. I'm sure it would be better now that I have DSL (and some headphones, thanks for the tip Clyde). I've talked to Mr. C more than a few times online (AIM Messenger), but he'll just pick up the phone and call (he's like that), Also used AIM Messenger to talk to Billy Lear and used Yahoo message board to talk to KaliCombat (Gary C.).

It's a good tool to build some relationships. The only thing I woud say is that the flow of a net conversation is much like a conference call. You have to wait for one to stop speaking before you speak. This can throw off your speaking flow because your not used to it and it's not natural. Also have an agenda...what do you want to talk about. That way you're not just setting there "looking at each other".

The final thing I found funny/interesting: Since I had a lower connection than most, almost all of my converstions would switch between talking and typing...depending on how the connection was acting at the time.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

You already have it on your computer.

Go to Program Files...... then scroll down alphabetically to......
Net Meeting...


Program files? Could you be more specific? Do you mean programs on the start menu? Or is it something in the Control Panel?
use your explorer and look in your root directory,
C:\ scroll down and you should see Program files,
click on that and in that file should be net meeting.:asian:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

use your explorer and look in your root directory,
C:\ scroll down and you should see Program files,
click on that and in that file should be net meeting.:asian:

Kewl! It does come with the O/S. I was not aware of that!
Originally posted by brianhunter


Give me a call, me and Jeff both have webcams Im sure he would be up for it (hes a comp geek too) ....let me know what software i need. We both have yahoo messenger I knwo you can view webcams on there


Hey Brian, I'll give you a call this weekend and we'll set this up, only problem is, you can only netmeet with one at a time.

Have a great Kenpo day]

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

Hey Brian, I'll give you a call this weekend and we'll set this up, only problem is, you can only netmeet with one at a time.

Have a great Kenpo day]


The way brian's schedule is, we will both be available at different times anyway. :) I found netmeeting on my PC and installed it. I have to get my camera to work now though...
Originally posted by jeffkyle

The way brian's schedule is, we will both be available at different times anyway. :) I found netmeeting on my PC and installed it. I have to get my camera to work now though...

Way cool, shoot me an email with your phone # and I'll walk you thru the process and we'll be online in a few:)

Have a great Kenpo day

You guys think you're really ready for Clyde on camera???? :eek:

Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Originally posted by Sigung86

You guys think you're really ready for Clyde on camera???? :eek:

Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol:


I have already met him in person. LOL. :) :p
Originally posted by Sigung86

You guys think you're really ready for Clyde on camera???? :eek:

Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Couldnt be too much worse then in person! I can always shut off the computer on netmeeting, you cant ever shut off Clyde in person! HAHAHAHA
Originally posted by brianhunter

Couldnt be too much worse then in person! I can always shut off the computer on netmeeting, you cant ever shut off Clyde in person! HAHAHAHA

You know how we do it!!!!! Looking forward to this weekend if I'm home, going to Willie Aguilar's tourney Sat. and gotta get with someone this weekend on Sunday, hopefully, but give me a call and see if I'm home.

Have a great Kenpo day

I have the software for Aim, where is like NetMeeting

BUt Aim + talk + camera ;)

I'll post the name as soon as i get it again.