Neon Days and Neon Nights

They are indeed breath-taking... loved the tongue in cheek on quite a few of them (such as the prostitute flipping the camera guy off).
He captured, framed, bracketed everything very nicely. Thanks for sharing.

Nice slide show ... provided one has the time to look at them. The (flicker) slide show didn't allow one time to "study the photos" as I would've liked.
They are indeed breath-taking... loved the tongue in cheek on quite a few of them (such as the prostitute flipping the camera guy off).
He captured, framed, bracketed everything very nicely. Thanks for sharing.

Nice slide show ... provided one has the time to look at them. The (flicker) slide show didn't allow one time to "study the photos" as I would've liked.

It does go by quickly. There are a couple of ways around that. In the upper right corner there is a menu item labeled "options". Clicking on that allows you to change the speed from Medium to Slow...although even Slow moves by rather fast.

In the lower left corner there is a pause button that you can click on to pause or restart the slide show. I found this to be a better option for the shots I wanted to linger over. :)