Need help stretching :(


White Belt
May 24, 2007
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Hi everyone.

This is my first post and i'm sorry if I'm doing anything wrong :)

Anyway i recently started tae kwon do and i am a yellow belt.

The problem is i am pretty tall at 6ft2 and have trouble stretching my legs. I was never good at stretching and if i estimate i think i can stretch to around 120degrees max.

Can anyone help me?

"""Stretching Scientifically:a guide to flexibility training by Thomas Kurz"" should help, breaks down stretching into the dynamic, static, relaxed and so on...correct order of stretches, when to do them in your work out and all that good stuff. You may be surprised that you are doing everything out of wack(I was anyway).

(try amazon, ebay, or your book store)
The most important thing is to go warm and go slow. Don't approach it like body building where a little pain is good. In fact, in body building, there is a saying: "no pain, no gain (in muscle mass)". In stretching, pain is bad - specially when in the joints.
"Stretching Scientifically:a guide to flexibility training by Thomas Kurz"

Best book I ever read concerning stretching. Stretching takes time and should not be rushed. Be patient and you will get more flexible.
Hi everyone.

This is my first post and i'm sorry if I'm doing anything wrong :)

Anyway i recently started tae kwon do and i am a yellow belt.

The problem is i am pretty tall at 6ft2 and have trouble stretching my legs. I was never good at stretching and if i estimate i think i can stretch to around 120degrees max.

Can anyone help me?


I'd start off by making sure that you're warmed up good before stretching. I get my best stretch after my workout. Flexability is something that takes time to develop, and its not happening overnight. Depending on body structure, it may never be possible to kick head height. Then again, not being able to kick extra high isn't a bad thing. ;)

Grab a partner and stretch on the wall. Stand with your back against the wall. Have your partner lift your leg. Get to a comfortable position and hold for a few. Then gradually have them lift a bit higher. This can be done from a side kick position as well.

Find what works best for you. :) Again, take your time.


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