Well I've been doing this a while now, and I must say it's changed a bit for me. I've got past the "Oops, facing the wrong way again" stage and I'm more relaxed and confident. I haven't tripped over my own feet for days now....
Just yesterday evening, when I was doing my form in the garden at home, I felt a sort of mental 'click' that I'd moved up a notch. I can't put it into words, and I don't mean this was a Road to Damascus level 'click' but a 'click' nonetheless!
Great weekend everyone. :yinyang:

Just yesterday evening, when I was doing my form in the garden at home, I felt a sort of mental 'click' that I'd moved up a notch. I can't put it into words, and I don't mean this was a Road to Damascus level 'click' but a 'click' nonetheless!
Great weekend everyone. :yinyang: