My silliest reason for missing class was........


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
What odd reason did you use for missing class? Maybe you didn't tell your instructor this, but it's the reason you make it to class? Odd examples I've heard, "Didn't trust my paralel parking ability, and it was only spot." and, "Forgot my belt (or uniform)." What's your odd (silly, unique) reason for missing class?
I've viewed this post several times before responding. I know you are taking a lighthearted approach and are wanting the same but my true thoughts are 'hey, you want to train great. You don't want to train that's great also'.

When someone gives such 'odd' reasons they most likely didn't want to train. Things happen in our lives that prevent what we want to do; that's life but when one gives a reason like your examples, to me, they simply don't want to train or feel they will be wasting their time. I tell my students come train, you can't ok don't. You don't need to give me an excuse or a reason. You know why you missed. You know if it was because you wanted to miss or if it was simply life in the way. I don't need to know.

This is the thing, and it is this way with everything in life, you will make decisions on what is most important to you for that time period. If making class is more important than something else; you will find a way to make class. If is not you will miss and any reason will do. "Something came up", is enough.
We turned up to train once but the barracks where the club is was in lock down, someone had realised weapons were missing from the armoury. Much muttering about Scousers entailed.
Another time we had to evacuate after a suspicious package was found nearby. We often have students unable to come at the last minute because they are put on guard or extra duties.
On the parking excuse, that I can believe is genuine, a good many people find parking very stressful!
Once back when I trained Judo, I forgot my gi pants at home. Didn't find out untill I had begun changing in the locker room. Nobody had any spares in my size, and I definately wasn't going to train in jeans, so had to watch from the sideline.

Another time, I had forgotten to wash my gi after the last session, which was during a heat wave (= lots of sweat), and it been inside the bag since then, so when I opened the bag, the work of millions or bacteria enjoying the warm, dark and damp environment hit me in the face. Decided I didn't want to expose my training partners for that, so headed back home instead.
I nearly missed a NVTO seminar in Texas last week by mistakenly starting to board a flight to Seattle instead of Austin. The guy taking the boarding passes didn't catch it either. Don't know why the little scanner thingie didn't buzz until I'd nearly gotten onto the plane. Some security system we've got that let's goof-balls like me wander about without guidance!!! :confused:

BTW Gotta love Tez's posts. I'm always learning new words. Scousers! Wikipedia says that's a common term for a Liverpudlian. And all this time I thought they were Liver-Poodles! But apparently while spaniels may be liver, poodles have fancier names for their colors like cafe au lait.
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Once back when I trained Judo, I forgot my gi pants at home. Didn't find out untill I had begun changing in the locker room. Nobody had any spares in my size, and I definately wasn't going to train in jeans, so had to watch from the sideline.

Another time, I had forgotten to wash my gi after the last session, which was during a heat wave (= lots of sweat), and it been inside the bag since then, so when I opened the bag, the work of millions or bacteria enjoying the warm, dark and damp environment hit me in the face. Decided I didn't want to expose my training partners for that, so headed back home instead.

These are the primary reasons I've -- in dopey, flaky, forgetful fashion -- missed class. I forget my sneakers (I'm in a kung fu school so we wear shoes), or I forget my pants, or I forget to eat and if I train I'll pass out. That third one sounds lame, but even though I'm not diabetic, I will get ready to pass out if I workout without food in my stomach. It's about 98% guaranteed.

And along the same lines of the second paragraph, I, too, once (also read: roughly a dozen times) left my uniform unwashed during heat waves. And of course, my bag is black, so it absorbed all the heat from the sun, so by the time I opened my bag I thought "...guess I'm training at home today."

I nearly missed a NVTO seminar in Texas last week by mistakenly starting to board a flight to Seattle instead of Austin. The guy taking the boarding passes didn't catch it either. Don't know why the little scanner thingie didn't buzz until I'd nearly gotten onto the plane. Some security system we've got that let's goof-balls like me wander about without guidance!!! :confused:

BTW Gotta love Tez's posts. I'm always learning new words. Scousers! Wikipedia says that's a common term for a Liverpudlian. And all this time I thought they were Liver-Poodles! But apparently while spaniels may be liver, poodles have fancier names for their colors like cafe au lait.

Fantastic. I've never once traveled by plane on my own, and all I can imagine is doing this. :p
Once back when I trained Judo, I forgot my gi pants at home. Didn't find out untill I had begun changing in the locker room. Nobody had any spares in my size, and I definately wasn't going to train in jeans, so had to watch from the sideline.
Once when I was running my class I turned up and realized i ha packed a white curtain instead of my dobok pants. I had to teach that class with my dobok jacket, belt and the shorts I was wearing.
One time I missed the class I was teaching for an entire week (had to get another instructor to teach it) because I burned the side of my face with superheated water from the radiator of my overheated car. I had bandages all over the side of my face and did not want to scare the students with my hideous appearance (well more hideous appearance :)).
What odd reason did you use for missing class? Maybe you didn't tell your instructor this, but it's the reason you make it to class? Odd examples I've heard, "Didn't trust my paralel parking ability, and it was only spot." and, "Forgot my belt (or uniform)." What's your odd (silly, unique) reason for missing class?
I have, sorry, another approach. When did you go to training when you should have done something else?
Thinking back, even though I was youngish, I must have been some manic nut-job; there was this stunning, tall blonde Eastern European girl I had bumped into at a party and a few weeks later she turned up on my door. This was training night and I had her stay at my apartment until I did the training and then got home late. Luckily she didn't bail on me but what a freakin clutz! My priorities were all out of whack! I've got years of nights spent in sweat-stained Gis wrestling with hairy fellas but only so many nights with hot blonde Eastern Europeans to think back on.
Once when I was running my class I turned up and realized i ha packed a white curtain instead of my dobok pants. I had to teach that class with my dobok jacket, belt and the shorts I was wearing.
This is priceless!!:woot:
Once when I was running my class I turned up and realized i ha packed a white curtain instead of my dobok pants. I had to teach that class with my dobok jacket, belt and the shorts I was wearing.

My silliest reason: feeling lazy. Seriously though, I'll not feel like going and then later that evening I'll be sitting there going "why in the hell did I not go to class?" It has never been an issue with excuses though. People have lives. We come and go. If it's been a bit, the instructor says "welcome back".