Muay Thai Vs Taekwondo


2nd Black Belt
I had this convo in a bar one night with a friend thatÂ’s brother is a black belt in the sport,me being a Thai fighter said that muay thai is the best all-round stand up discipline that you can practice...he then sent me the first thread of a Thai fighter been beaten by a teakwondo fighter....I thought that fight was fixed so I found another video (watch at a and see!) but what do you guys think of the films?or that argument in general.
Is teakwondo just full of flashy kicks that are impractical in a fight or is muay thai simply over rated??

check the links---->
The shroud of fakeness

The truth

Lets get one thing straight, the style has nothing to do with how good a fighter someone is....

If a TKD guy is a better fighter than the Muay Thai guy then the TKD guy will win...Both Styles have there Pros and Cons, but are both equal in strength as a style...

So in conclusion, the style dosn't determine the victor, the individuals that are competing determine the out come
I don't think either is fake, I would say that it's not the art that makes people great fighters it's the man himself. In the second video I thought I saw a color belt on the TKD stylist.....could be the bad video.
Sin said:
Lets get one thing straight, the style has nothing to do with how good a fighter someone is....

If a TKD guy is a better fighter than the Muay Thai guy then the TKD guy will win...Both Styles have there Pros and Cons, but are both equal in strength as a style...

So in conclusion, the style dosn't determine the victor, the individuals that are competing determine the out come

True but at some point your going to have a really good muay thai fighter and then a really good tkd fighter....Im talking more on the tech's they use.....I thought the first video looked dodgy since I've fought in the ring and its hard to get the distancing and positioning to do a move like that on someone...
''no style is better then anyone other style its is the indvidual that decides the outcome''<---I know this but am merely exploring an exception.
First of all, TKD is NOT alot of flashy kicks. True, some TKD is McDojos and flashy kicks, but some like mine isn't. I'm getting so fed up with this generalization. I've beat people from other styles (including a thai boxer) and other people have beaten me (including a thai boxer). It's how good the person is at their strength and exploiting the enemy's weakness. Muay Thai is not better than TKD nor is TKD better than muay thai. Alot of factors go into the art, like who you are taught by, what facet of the art you take, how good you naturally are, how hard you practice, etc. I'm not going to sit here and tell you muay thai sucks even though you bashed my art, but just because you've seen alittle of TKD doesn't mean you've seen the whole picture. Hence, why I can't bash muay thai. I haven't taken muay thai and haven't seen the whole picture. The bashing and ignorance of other martial artists has more or less got me out of the world of martial arts. Thinking someones art sucks is one thing, saying it to them is another. The whole "My art is better than your art" is the same childishness that says "My daddy's better than your daddy". No, TKD is not the best art, but I don't think there is a "best art". All arts have their pros and cons.

When will Martial Artist relize it is not the style it is the fighter,style has no bearing on the outcome of a fight. It is solely up to the fighter will to win. I looked at both clips and I did not see a fix.

Lastly before you say you are a TKD guy also remember I trained In Okinawa Karate also, TKD or Muay Thai or Kung fu for that matte will not be the factor in the fight, the factor is the person.

May this type of argument ever stop, will MA"ers ever learn??
Looking at both clips, you see the winners are the people who best utilize the strengths of their styles. The tkd guy wins with big kicks and keeping a distance at which those attacks can be thrown. The thai fighter that wins is right in the tkd guy's face throwing roundhouses to the legs and out boxing him. Have to say I am surprised to see a thai fighter lose to a tkd fighter. No disrespect intended towards tkd practitioners. I honestly believed that tkd lacked skills in a clinch situation and also lacked the depth of boxing skills that muay thai offers. I always looked at tkd as best used against tkd and not against another art. Always learning!!!
You guys seemed to have misinterpreted my post,I wasn't trying to get at tkd,for one I only know two guys that practice the martial art and have had the same conversation with him,the main point of that was that to me the video looked a little funny the one with the tkd guy winning just didn't seem real I merely wanted to see what you guys thought of it, or at least looks at the strengths and weakness of both arts but hey on to peoples points.

I don't remember 'bashing' anyone's art,merely made an observation based on what I've seen I except I may have been wrong.But surely if you believe so strong in one martial art you should be able to defend if prompted,even though I didn't mean to.

Kenpo-man-->you gave the type of answer I was looking for,Looking at both clips, you see the winners are the people who best utilize the strengths of their styles. The tkd guy wins with big kicks and keeping a distance at which those attacks can be thrown. The thai fighter that wins is right in the tkd guy's face throwing roundhouses to the legs and out boxing him<---

That's true,Im still not sure about the tkd guy though,I understand there's not alot of punching in tkd?and the punching they do use seems to be karate based??

And another thing where would I be able to see more tkd fighters,iv never seen any in any mma matches.

That's true,Im still not sure about the tkd guy though,I understand there's not alot of punching in tkd?and the punching they do use seems to be karate based??

First off Olympic TKD which is the sport side of it does not throw alot of punches, secondly TKD is a whole Art not just the sport and I do not believe anybody mis understood your question, your question is bias at best you have no faults when the Muay Tai fighter win that was a far match but when the TKD guys when the fight has to be fix or it just looks that way to you.

Do you see how your statement is being taken by TKD practitioners and why it being taken that way.

Why is it that if a TKD guy win a fight it been fix to make it look better than it really is. come on people I know some guys that would differently knock some heads off with there kick or there punches.
Something to think about.

The Thai boxer that loses must have had really heavy gloves on, because he just can't seem to keep his hands up - forgetting rule #1!

And the TKD guy that loses must have forgotten his contact lenses, because he can't seem to see those round kicks to the legs coming until its too late.

I think these 2 videos do not present evenly matched fights. The loser of each seems ill-prepared to deal with his opponent and/or his opponent's style of MA. And imo, that's about as much as you can really take away from these 2 clips (i.e., virtually nothing at all regarding the nature of your style vs. style question from the original post).

And by the way, even though you didn't say it in the body of your post, the titles you provided of "shroud of fakeness" and "truth" may have tipped your hand as far as your bias goes, and the implied "bashing" there is what rubbed some people the wrong way.
terryl965 said:
That's true,Im still not sure about the tkd guy though,I understand there's not alot of punching in tkd?and the punching they do use seems to be karate based??

First off Olympic TKD which is the sport side of it does not throw alot of punches, secondly TKD is a whole Art not just the sport and I do not believe anybody mis understood your question, your question is bias at best you have no faults when the Muay Tai fighter win that was a far match but when the TKD guys when the fight has to be fix or it just looks that way to you.

Do you see how your statement is being taken by TKD practitioners and why it being taken that way.

Why is it that if a TKD guy win a fight it been fix to make it look better than it really is. come on people I know some guys that would differently knock some heads off with there kick or there punches.

How is it bias, surly it is just your perception that makes it's so, I cant change the way people perceive my question now can I?? my first post I said the fight looks funny because of the amount of space and opportunity he has in order to perform these moves?!?Isnt that obvious? I have been trained for muay Thai like that guy and that isnÂ’t what is taught I didnÂ’t even see him do any mt moves??,i understand that maybe he isnÂ’t a good fighter but then the tkd guy looks good,wouldnt that make it a blatant miss match in order to show skills or maybe distil a myth perhaps it is taken from a tkd website after all??
And more importantly all I asked is what you guys think of it.
I havenÂ’t questioned the fight that the thai wins since I havenÂ’t received any feed back from that yet what am I commenting on,no one has said what they think the tkd guy did wrong??or what they would do in a similar position???
And by the way, even though you didn't say it in the body of your post, the titles you provided of "shroud of fakeness" and "truth" may have tipped your hand as far as your bias goes, and the implied "bashing" there is what rubbed some people the wrong way.[/quote]

lol beleive it or not that wasnt me,I got emailed them links at work this morning and so copied and pasted the whole thing rather then editing shroud of fakeness is a personal joke from me to the guy that sent it to me....whoopsie..hey man when your at work and your trying to skive off you have to work fast before the watchful eye of my manager catches me.
I don't think either video is fixed so much as they're edited and presented to put a certain art in a favorable light. I love TKD, but I have a ton of respect for Muay Tai and wouldn't light heartedly square off with someone proficient in the art. TKD does offer quit a bit more than they get credit for, particularly in well rounded (or traditinal, if you prefer) schools. Personally though, even sport orientated competitors can offer up a world of hurt if they're given the opportunity to direct the action in a conflict. I would recommend that if you get the chance to go to a TKD tournament, you do so. That will at least give you some personal knowledge as to what even many of those "Sports only" guys are capable of. Better yet, take it to the next level, learn the rules and enter one yourself. I think you'll find it worth your while. There's no substitute for experience.

Personally, I don't think you meant anything offensive by your question, but understand that we in TKD hear such things often, usually by people with no or little experience in the art, just the hearsay. If you do what I've suggested, then you'll have a better understanding of why such a question will cause many to anger quickly.

Good luck with your training! :)
Ok in TKD we teach to stay outside to use the distance to help you when fights maybe the TKD guy had a better fight plan then the Mauy Tai Boxer at that point and your right people precieve what they want, but your post say

check the links---->
The shroud of fakeness

that implies to me you thought it was fake, I try not to get cought up with which style is better only fighters and the TKD guy was a better fighter that night any how. Whether or not you believe it he won and was cought off guard during the match for what ever reason maybe he just broke with his girl and his mind was somewhere else. who knows.

Let just say in each video the beter fighter won, not the style, OK.
terryl965 said:
Ok in TKD we teach to stay outside to use the distance to help you when fights maybe the TKD guy had a better fight plan then the Mauy Tai Boxer at that point and your right people precieve what they want, but your post say

check the links---->
The shroud of fakeness

that implies to me you thought it was fake, I try not to get cought up with which style is better only fighters and the TKD guy was a better fighter that night any how. Whether or not you believe it he won and was cought off guard during the match for what ever reason maybe he just broke with his girl and his mind was somewhere else. who knows.

Let just say in each video the beter fighter won, not the style, OK.

the links....i HAVE ALREADY EXPLAINED...listen you seem very protective of your martial art,i understand sorry if I offend you.I'll leave it as that with everyone else....
Gemini said:
I don't think either video is fixed so much as they're edited and presented to put a certain art in a favorable light. I love TKD, but I have a ton of respect for Muay Tai and wouldn't light heartedly square off with someone proficient in the art. TKD does offer quit a bit more than they get credit for, particularly in well rounded (or traditinal, if you prefer) schools. Personally though, even sport orientated competitors can offer up a world of hurt if they're given the opportunity to direct the action in a conflict. I would recommend that if you get the chance to go to a TKD tournament, you do so. That will at least give you some personal knowledge as to what even many of those "Sports only" guys are capable of. Better yet, take it to the next level, learn the rules and enter one yourself. I think you'll find it worth your while. There's no substitute for experience.

Personally, I don't think you meant anything offensive by your question, but understand that we in TKD hear such things often, usually by people with no or little experience in the art, just the hearsay. If you do what I've suggested, then you'll have a better understanding of why such a question will cause many to anger quickly.

Good luck with your training! :)

Its interesting you said that I recently got involved in a kickboxing class near me (one of my friends said ''hey man theres a new kickboxing class being taught round the corner,so I turned up to find it was kickboxing not muay thai ''its the same thing isnt it'' he said to me lol) anyway I was there and I sparred with this guy who kicked the crap out of me...bearing in mind I wasnt allowed no low kicks no knees and no clinching but it made me think what if i was allowed to he did show me some good kicks and tech's ones in which I know will be useful for me to learn,they were doing a tournment but i didnt risk entering,Im interested in the kicks used in tkd...I'll be honest though AND I MEAN NO OFFENCE I have seen kicks and thought hmmm i dont think that would work,it would be interesting to see somone put it to fact dman i might just join a class!
I have the same curiosity which tkd...
Kenpo_man said:
That makes a lot of sense!!

........or if your like me you train hard......and then spend an hour or so in the pub!lol hey man guiness is fool of iron that stuff is good for you!
there have been endless threads on many forums about this. Muay thai, having its combatants fighting in the ring, leaves little room for mcdojos to spring up, since they can easily be pointed out.
TKD however, is broken up into many branches and many different disciplines. also, competition in TKD values speed and "who gets there first" type sparring, and doesnt really glorify agressiveness. this allows for MANY mcdojos to spring up, concentrating on competition sparring only, watering down the true purpose of the art.

The muay thai champion fighter is an extremely well-conditioned athlete who spends much of his training on cardio, and pain-inducing shin-conditioning.

The Tae kwon do champion fighter can vary from a kid with quick-kicks, to an adult. but speed is the major factor.

these arts focus on different things, however, when it comes to fighting, you can use your better judgement; is it really a coincidence that one art seems to consistently produce superior fighters?

any art that consistenly proves itself in the ring will continue to be held with high respect. think about boxing, using only your hands has long been obsolete, but it is still the most highly paid martial art in the world.

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