Mu Do

The Irish Kicker

White Belt
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Summerfield, Fl
Mu Do!

Hello Everyone,

My name James and I'm 33yrs old. I live in Florida and work as a land surveyor. I enjoy reading, the occasional video game, movies and all things "redneck"! ( trail riding, mud bogging, fishing, bonfires etc) And, I couldn't be prouder to announce my new love affair with TaeKwanDo! I've always been a fan of martial arts/mma, but never pursued it beyond books, magazines, tv or movies. I ended up in the Dojang in part thanks to my fiances son Logan. After 2 years or so of nagging to learn "karate" , and my revived interest in physical fitness, I decided check out some of the local schools. After some research and a few classes I enrolled us at our Dojang. I started as way to bond with Logan and plus, lets be honest, it was awesome. I now want to pursue it until Grand Master level! I've never felt more welcome than when I am in the Dojang. I've never felt the amount of encouragement I feel there anywhere! My fellow classmates and Instructor make me feel like family. We recently attended an exhibition/tournament and I was instantly hooked. I cant wait to become part of the action! ( Does anything look more fun and competitive than sparring?!?!?! ) Anyways, Long story short, I just wanted to introduce myself to my fellow enthusiast!

"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to go to his class."
- Choi, Hong Hi, Founder of Taekwon-Do
You my friend, have started on a life long journey that will be very rewarding, and with Logan at your side, a bond that will last a life time.

Greetings and welcome to MT, enjoy the site.................
I started out with my son the same way many years back and I'm still training. Enjoy the journey.

Welcome. :)
Welcome to MT! Glad you found the arts! Never to late to start...
Welcome to MT. Looking forward to your reports on the ups and downs of training with Logan. and be sure there will be ups and downs, but they all work out somehow. It should be a good bonding method.
Welcome! All the best to you and young Logan on your journey!

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