Moving Back to London (Ontario)


Purple Belt
Jan 16, 2002
Reaction score
London, ON, Canada
Hey all you Londoner's,

Got a job back in London, Ontario. Looking forward to looking you guys & gals up and doing some serious training again. Shold be back for the middle of Oct.

See Ya Then,
There are numourous kenpo schools in town. Everything from dinky-touching kenpo, to we're-gonna hit-you kenpo, to we-don't-touch-you kenpo and everything inbetween. Enjoy the search for a new school
There are numourous kenpo schools in town

Very true, but he'll be coming back to Kanzen anyway, not looking for a new school. Why shop around when he's already well grounded and respected in the Kanzen system?
Originally posted by Crazy Chihuahua
Very true, but he'll be coming back to Kanzen anyway, not looking for a new school. Why shop around when he's already well grounded and respected in the Kanzen system?

Why are you so sure about it?

Things may have change in between that may have him going to EPAK, kanzen or any other what-ever-you-want-it kenpo
Things may have change in between that may have him going to EPAK, kanzen or any other what-ever-you-want-it kenpo
This could be true, but as he's been at my place several times training w/ my dad, I think he's staying with Kanzen for at least a little while. And I actually posted that mostly because GouRonin was making me kind of mad in another thread, it was just something spiteful I said in haste. But obviously, anyone can train with whoever they want.
Originally posted by Crazy Chihuahua
This could be true, but as he's been at my place several times training w/ my dad, I think he's staying with Kanzen for at least a little while. And I actually posted that mostly because GouRonin was making me kind of mad in another thread, it was just something spiteful I said in haste. But obviously, anyone can train with whoever they want.

You know what? That was very honest and upfront. Once your head cools off you're pretty honest and up front. Congrats.
rob farr is a very good practitioner and he would do well in any art he trains in because of his basics being so strong,not to mention he is very intelligent when training and personally he was one guy i missed working out if you choose kanzen best of luck to you rob,if you want to really work kanzen i would be more than happy to bang with you on technique lines.sometimes i think about the good ole days and say to myself what if?
ps crazy c wear whatever you like to the seminar and you are the only one going for no cash if you bring someone ok but they pay.i hope to see you there.:p
I just don't want to be the only one in sweats if everybody else got dressed formal, you know?
I've got one buddy who might be interested, how much will it cost HIM?
Originally posted by Crazy Chihuahua
This could be true, but as he's been at my place several times training w/ my dad, I think he's staying with Kanzen for at least a little while. And I actually posted that mostly because GouRonin was making me kind of mad in another thread, it was just something spiteful I said in haste. But obviously, anyone can train with whoever they want.

But now obviously, you're all behaving well and civil and deserve to be congratulated.

My respects to you, Gou, Jaybacca and AME and I hope I don't forget anyone in here :asian: