Movie season 2012 about to begin...

Yeah the Watch might be okay. The campaign I think is going to suffer from the same problems as Ted.
So far, I can't remember a more satisfying year for movies ever. While there have been some great Summer blockbusters, I can't remember when so many have actually delivered on the hype and lived up to expectations.

The Avengers was great. Brave was terrific. The Amazing Spider Man was awesome, as was Dark Knight Rises. Still to come: The Watch, Total Recall, Bourne Legacy,
Saw the Dark Knight Rises...disapointed. I really wanted to like this last installment but it just failed. Everything that the Dark Knight was, this isn't. I would wait to see it from Redbox, and you might not want to see it at IMAX either. The loudness of the film hurts understanding some of the conversations between the characters. I don't want to spoil specific parts of the film, so I won't. I am going to link to a review that I think catches the spirit of the failure...
I liked Batman. Didn't overthink it too much. But so far, Spiderman is the best superhero movie of the Summer. :) The article you linked to... man, that guy HATED this movie. I guess I'm lucky in that I'm not overly invested in the character. I can completely understand. I've been let down with a few of my favorites, too. Daredevil still makes me sad, but hope remains that someone with the chops to do him justice will reboot the story.
I thought I read somewhere that a reboot was in the words for Daredevil already. I hope so. I enjoy superhero movies.
Saw the Dark Knight Rises...disapointed. I really wanted to like this last installment but it just failed. Everything that the Dark Knight was, this isn't.
Agreed. Batman Begins was Batman's story, The Dark Knight was the Joker's story, but this one seemed to lack focus and direction. Bane was deeply uninteresting, and his face mask, instead of making him sound ominous or powerful, just garbled his voice. The plot was predictable, the ending unsatisfying. This movie should have been Selina Kyle's story. The conflict Batman would experience over having to bring in someone with whom he was emotionally involved could have made for a great story. Instead, we get a self-pitying, reclusive Bruce Wayne, a miracle cure or two, and a broad daylight shootout between the police and Bane's army which seemed to produce no blood. All in all, a slow-moving disappointment. JMHO, as always.
Something to look forward to- I heard the next Captain America movie would be called Captain America and the Winter Soldier.
Might be great, might suck. Here's hoping for the former.
Yeah. I knew they wouldn't kill Bucky off from the first one. My wife actually called it first, when cap saved him in red skulls weapons factory first time we saw the movie.

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The Dark knight Rises exceeded my expectations. As soon as it ended. i wanted to watch it again.

the fight in the dark was awesome. Makes me want to train harder.
I saw Spiderman a while ago, it wasn't as good as the first one. I saw Expendables 2 last night. A good redbox rental or a Netflix rental, save your cash.

I'll be going to see "2016, Obama's America," tomorrow. It is the summer, and this is a movie.
Well, the I thought the story was better in the Sam Raimi movie, I thought the story in the new one wasn't as tightly put together. I think the Green goblin wasn't as well done as the lizard was in the new movie. I also think that some of the scenes in the new movie were not scripted as much as "free form," like in the Larry David show, and it just didn't work well. The scene at the dinner table where they were debating and the scenes between Gwen and Peter for example.
Well, I went to see the last movie of the summer, "2016 Obama's America." I have to say that the movie was really good, better than I expected for a political documentary. The sound, though, was a little muted, and the background music may have been a little too loud. The movie was produced by the man who produced Shindler's List and Jurassic Park, and it was written and starred Dinesh D'souza.

Some of the topics covered were obama's "founding fathers," his relationship with his father and step father and why he embraced one and not the other. I have to say that D'souza really makes the case that anti-colonialism is the motivator of our president more than anything else. Over all a really good documentary on obama.

The most chilling scene, which is surprising since I have seen it on the internet already, was obama leaning forward in his chair and telling the President of Russia that Vladimer needs to give him some time and that after the election he will have more room to maneuver. Seeing it on the big screen and actually hearing him say it clearly was kind of shocking, even after seeing it before.

The audience was mostly senior citizens, a few kids, and the theater was mostly full for a 4:55 showing on a Saturday. If you have a chance, don't wait for redbox or netflix...November is fast approaching...
Way, way better. Amazing spiderman was a better movie in every way than the Sam raimi, Toby McGuire trilogy.

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You know man, I have a hard time even considering the new SM movie. Not that the first 3 were perfect, but they marked an important time in my life.

SM was filmed in and around Queens (the parts that were actually in NY) and we used to hang out in my bud Timmy's driveway watching them film the aunt May house. Even met the cast and crew a few times. Plus a couple of the stuntmen got mat time at my dojo so that was cool.

Skip ahead a year later to the next summer when the movie came out. That marked the first date I had with my ex. So I can kinda trace back a 6 year, relationship to a specific date and movie.

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