More Worries for Parents


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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This notice was forwarded to me from a friend. This “candy meth” was also discussed during a course on controlled substances at the LE Academy. There are some very ugly people out there who don’t have a problem hurting kids.
BTW This was confirmed on Snopes as well. The Snopes article actually goes into some pretty good detail.



There is a very scary thing going on in the schools right now that all
need to be aware of. There is a type of crystal meth going around that
looks like strawberry poprocks. It smells like strawberry also and it is
being handed out to kids in school yards in AR. I'm sure it will make
its way around the country if it hasn't already. Kids are ingesting this
thinking that it is candy and being rushed off to the E.R. in dire
condition. Please instruct your children to not accept candy that looks
like this even from a friend and to take any that they may have to a
teacher, principal, etc. Please pass this around it could save some
family a lot of heartache!

That is what they are calling strawberry meth or strawberry quick.

Thought you'd want to know.

Kathy Johnson, RN
School Nurse, McNeil Elementary
McKinney ISD
Here I was thinking that the many parents who live vicariously through their children or training them for careers from the age of three were stealing their childrens childhoods. But when I see something like this I realise that there are people out there who are willing to steal that childhood, twist it into something evil and then give it back and watch what happens.

It is a very sad statement on the condition of our society.
Supply and demand is whats on these bastard's minds. Hoping that some of them will live long enough to become addicted adults and thus keep the cash flow going. That's all they care about. Just like McDonald's with their Happy Meals, create a happy experience that will live down in the memory of the subconscious so that when they're adults they go to the source of happiness whenever they're feeling down without really knowing or understanding why.

Which is why drug peddling to children should be a capital offense just like molestation should be a capital offense... but no, the thought of it only offends those who think that capital punishment is wrong.

Wait til it happens to their kids, when it's their kids they see lying in the hospital with tubes running in and out of their little bodies and unable to touch them because they can't get through a swarm of doctors and nurses fighting to keep the little one alive. Ask them then about capital punishment for the pusher who created and/or sold this new candy/drug designed specifically for their (anyone's) children as they walk away from the graveside. Ask them as they're cleaning out their child's room of toys, clothing, school-books and other memorabilia.

The ones who created this will simply smile after their guilty verdict. Knowing that they just have to switch their market to inside the prison walls. They'll find enough meth-heads to protect them alright. Supply and demand.
You are correct..We must forever be on watch for those who prey on children...

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