More super martial arts

Hey, there are still ads in the Orange County papers for a "chi kong," academy, in which students attach a lead weight to the end of their ding-dings, and stand in a toes-out horse moving the weight up and down...a friend of mine had a video of these yutzes pulling lawn rollers around, same word on whether or not women can train in this style...

My feeling is groovy. Unless they're some sort of evil cult--and ahura-mazda knows that some ugly sorts of ideas are coming out of that part of the world--I say, the more incompetent martial artists the better. If I get jumped by a martial artist, after all, I'd much prefer it to be an incompetent one. Then too, the "snake bite healing," photo suggests that the problem is likely to take care of itself.

But I did love the levitating pix, which reminded me of the old TM scam.

I'd add, unfortunately, that I'm not sure this stuff is sillier than the back page ads of the average issue of, "Black Belt," or some of the nonsense I've heard martial artists spout. I mean, if I read one more, "I trained the Navy SEALS!" who must indeed be rolling on the floor, helpless with laughter, or "Train the way the Spetznaz train!" well, ya gets me point. Then there's all the articles in which you see guys bragging about their prowess, then look at the pictures and see crappy posture, lousy stances, and unrealistic techniques...

I think the obvious fakes are the least of our worries, though they are hilarious and have been since Count Dante at least. It's our own pretensions and fakeries we ought to be worrying about....

Thanks for the note about Yellow Bamboo, though...I wonder if they're on any of the cult-warning sites...apparently you can't check Cult Awareness network any more, since the Scientologists bought 'em out...but you never quite know about such groups. If you're not careful, next thing you know they're nerve-gassing your subways...
This Count Dante dude, I have heard his name mentioned many a time.......who actually was/is he?

I have seen the site and read over the mantra they use.
I believe a mantra in its true form was meant to be a curse?
Also alot of the excesise they do seems to be a mixture of some type of qi gong and a wiccan ritual for cleansing.Or it may be the ritual for fertillity.And im not making fun i always been kinda intrested in subcultures or ancient societies.Historical reasons only.And the simularities of the two (exsercises)are very strong...
Just my two cents worth.........
"...But I did love the levitating pix, which reminded me of the old TM scam..."

Almost, but not quite...this guy wasn't wearing a "crash pad.":rofl:

What, you all didn't realize after seeing this that we have all been waisting our time in our present arts all this time, and stuff.:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
(shaking his head)

Some times people give the human race a bad name.

Despair Bear
"Count Dante" was actually John Keehan who was, I think, a 4th dan in Shuri-Ryu karate under Robert Trias back in the 60's. He actually organized the first karate tournament in the U.S.
Unfortunately, John "lost touch" and went into his "Count Dante" persona and got wierd......He's been dead for many years now.

As for the Yellow Bamboo folks....yes, it's time to clean out the gene pool.
What are you talking about, I practice Yellow Bamboo and it's great!!!

I am not an advocate of one style and I do not support the idea that one style is superior than another, but this style is the one and only way.

I've knocked down 50 people from ten meters away, all without touching them. Great, huh
Originally posted by MartialArtist

I've knocked down 50 people from ten meters away, all without touching them. Great, huh

I don't pratice this yellowballon thingy, which is probably great, if you really understand it, or the weather is right.

But I know a style that when I stomp on the floor, somebody on the face of the planet falls. It works... really.

Originally posted by Yari
I don't pratice this yellowballon thingy, which is probably great, if you really understand it, or the weather is right.

But I know a style that when I stomp on the floor, somebody on the face of the planet falls. It works... really.

That is still weak, because if I used the energy to stop the planet from moving, you can't do anything
Originally posted by MartialArtist
That is still weak, because if I used the energy to stop the planet from moving, you can't do anything

Yeah I'd probably fall of... better buy a space suit, just in case ;-)

But I know how to make the moon fall down, by just looking at it. So you better buy a helmet.......

But then I'll use my energy to make it stop... So it'll depend on who can better utilize the force.