More Modern Arnis Groups!

Datu Tim Hartman

Senior Master
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY USA
As I said before, people will be coming out of the wood work! The latest is Datu Shishir Inocalla. I recieved this today!

To my bothers and sisters in Modern Arnis,
Merry Christmass and Happy New year to you all. I am writting this letter to you hoping you will support me in my crusade to unify Filipino Martial Arts in USA. Attach is my letter and appeal to you. If you are interested in my call. Please let me know immediately. I am looking forward to hearing from you. As we are all prodigy of GM Remy Presas. I salute you all for following his footsteps. I recognized the differences we may have about each other. But I know we all have a common ground- our love for him and the spread of his Art. Maraming Salamat sa inyong lahat at Mabuhay and Arnis.

Sincerely Yours,
Shishir Inocalla
[email protected]

I'm not saying who has the right to do what. It's very interesting to see a new player in the game. As was said about me, that there were some not too heart warming stories about me, we must remember that all the groups have these types of "stories " about them to.

Only time will tell which groups are doing the arts for the right reasons.

:samurai: :asian:

If you're gonna burn in Hell, you might as well have the best seat!
Originally posted by Renegade
Datu Shishir Inocalla.

Often mentioned but rarely seen in my experience.

I find this site very difficult to navigate and read, at least in Netscape. I'll leave it to Kaith to say more on this. I see from the site that Mr. Inocalla is working on Arnis, the movie. It's not at all clear to me what the goal of his organization(s) is. Is his organization going to be granting rank--a true competitor to the IMAFs--or is it only to promote the art through publicity?

I note that he was in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III, the movie I was watching in the hospital when my daughter was born (as I often remind her):,+Shishir
Attached to the first post.

Shishir Inocalla

Nov. 19, 2001

Dear Guru's, Sensie, Sifu,Datus,GMs,

Greetings, kumusta po kayo. On behalf of the International Arnis Federation/Arnis Philippines-member POC-Philippine Olympic Committee, PSC Philippine Sports Commission and PIGSSAI (Philippine Indigenous Games and Sports Savers Association under (POC) Philippine Tourism Authority. IMAF-Philippines. I am inviting you to participate and join our crusade to unify and organize Arnis, Kali, Escrima Filipino Martial arts cultural and sports Association. I am in the process of organizing in the USA and in Canada. This will be the Arnis, Kali, Escrima Association that is recognized by the Philippine Government under Sports and Tourism. And Office of the President-Republic of the Philippines. Our late Grandmaster Remy Presas was the Chairman for International Affairs for Arnis Philippines and myself, Shishir Inocalla was the Vice-Chairman since 1990.

During Prof. Presas tribute in Manila. All styles of Filipino Martial have given their full support to work together to propagate Filipino Martial Arts all over Philippines and the world. Under PIGSSAI and IMAF - Philippines. Every Sunday in front of the DOT building in Luneta we have all day Filipino Martial Arts Festival demonstration and seminars. Headed by Eng. Dion Diaz-Deputy Manager of PTA Phil. Tourism Authority and President of PIGSSAI. Our group started during the 100-year anniversary of the Philippine Independence Day June 14, 1998.
I am asking you, your students and other Masters and styles of all Filipino Martial Arts in Canada and the USA to support this unity "Pag-kakaisa". We are stronger if we work together. Arnis, Kali, Escrima for ALL. These are the following activities I started in Canada and the Philippines. I suggest we should do the following.

Forming the Group:
Suggested Names:
Filipino Martial Arts Association/Federation
Arnis/Kali/Escrima Association
Arnis USA
Arnis Canada/ Arnis BC

We need to register students and schools all over USA. This is for all styles of martial arts. Arnis sports is a universal system of stick fighting and Buno at Mano-Mano the empty hand/foot fighting, Anyo forms. Can be introduced as a sport. We can design the rules, run clinics, and friendly competitions regionally, nationally and internationally.

Membership will receive a quarterly newsletter, club certification and individual membership card. Our groups will get the recognition from AP/ IAF/ PIGSSAI and the new Arnis USA. Members also get discount rate for the seminars, tournaments and products of the association. Once we have this unity we can approach the American Olympic Association and apply for Arnis to be included in their sports event. Arnis Philippines is now a member of Philippine Olympic Committee.

Arnis TV/ Movie
Shishir in coordination wth IAF-IMAF Phil. and Philippine Tourism Authority under PIGSSAI is producing Arnis TV to promote Arnis all over the world. He will be shooting seminars, tournaments in Canada and the US. This will be aired in the Philippines and in other community TV stations in North America. The format will be instructional, news, guests and friendly competitions. Shishir already finished 13 episodes and working to air in British Cilumbia this fall. The tapes are now available in Videos. Shishir also had finished "Ultimate Fight" movie highlighting Arnis co-starring Ernie Reyes Jr/Sr, Kimo and Corin Nemec. Now available in DVD, Video stores in North America.

Website is now under construction under Everyone is welcome to contribute in our site. Lots of information regarding the activities of the Filipino Martial arts.

Canada/ USA/ Philippines
Shishir is now in Vancouver organizing the Canadian Arnis group. In BC there is opportunity for Filipino Martial arts to be affiliated with BC Sports and other provincial governments. We have also started Arnis Canada for the Federal level. Induction of officers will be January 26 in Richmond. BC. In USA, we will have to do the same organization to get recognition from the sports institution. We are stronger if we are united, organize and have one voice.
In the Philippines, we are lobbying for Congress to pass Arnis Bill. This will help Filipino Martial Arts in the Philippines and the world to get recognition and support. Once Philippines see Arnis is active and alive here in the west, the government and the Filipino people will give their support to Arnis. Once this happen in the Philippines, we can get the support we need to approach our own government here in Canada and USA. THIS WILL ONLY HAPPEN IF WE WORK AS A TEAM.

If you need more information on this, please call me at the following telephone numbers. 604-264-5119, 604-215-2592 and 604-861-8085. Or my e-mail [email protected].
Please pass this letter to other Sympathizers, Guro's and instructor's that maybe interested in the propagation of Filipino Martial Arts.

For more information check our website:
Thank you and Maraming Salamat po,

Shishir Inocalla

Vice-President for IAF and PIGSSAI
Chairman for International Affairs- Arnis Philippines
An Arnis movie featuring Kimo? Shudder

I think the guy has good intentions, in wanting to have unity among the FMA, but I doubt it could happen. Look at Japanese/Okinawan karate...I doubt all the various systems will ever unify. Even though many of the styles share kata, with minor variation, I doubt there will ever be a single governing body for every karate style. This is likely going to be the same with the FMA.

Kimo? Good lord, couldn't they have used someone more appropriate? Snoopy would have been a better choice, for crying out loud.

PIGSSAI, MARPPIO--the Filipino groups are choosing awful acronyms.

I would like to hear whom Mr. Inocalla would consider to be the current head/grandmaster of Modern Arnis? Dr. Presas I presume?
This just won't float here in the USA, not a chance in hell. We all can't get along as it is and we know each other. Let him come on here at martial talk and dance with the devil a little bit and maybe he'll float back down to earth with the rest of us. It's christmas and he has vissions of sugar plumbs dancing in his head.:lol:

DATU TIM -- save me a seat, I'm probably gonna need it!!!
Hey Renegade,
What makes you think your gonna burn in he--?
Off hand or Backhanded remark to say the least. Shishir is the most senior Datu in Modern Arnis and is calling all to support him in insuring that Professors legacy continues. If anything I would expect you to support him, not undercut his authority. Of course I have seen this type of political back back stabbing before. Rally to my side because everyone else is a pretender! Yeah Right!
Originally posted by Progressive
Shishir is the most senior Datu in Modern Arnis and is calling all to support him in insuring that Professors legacy continues. If anything I would expect you to support him, not undercut his authority. Of course I have seen this type of political back back stabbing before. Rally to my side because everyone else is a pretender!

The Professor was clear in his will--Dr. Schea and Mr. Delaney were to succeed him, either in that order or as co-equals depending upon whom you ask. All of those chosen to lead Modern Arnis--the MOTTs--were not datus and were not, I believe, as senior as the datus. (Possibly Dr. Schea has comparable seniority.) I don't think that there can be any doubt that the Professor's final intention was to leave the seven MOTTs in charge.

That having been said, Mr. Inocalla's intentions have not been clearly spelled out in his wordy e-mail, I think. It's therefore difficult to support him yet. To the extent that he hopes to unify all FMA, I wish him well though I cannot be optimistic. It isn't at all clear to me that he wants to head Modern Arnis, nor what authority he foresees his group having.

I am not sure what offended you here--statements made have been along the lines of "I think the guy has good intentions...but I doubt it could happen", which is an opinion and a prediction.
Originally posted by Renegade
As I said before, people will be coming out of the wood work! The latest is Datu Shishir Inocalla. I recieved this today!

I believe this is what has Progressive so hot and bothered. Of course, you would have to be blind to not be suspicious of this Inocalla feller's timing. Why does he choose to come out at this time, after Presas's death?

Again, his goals are good for uniting the FMA (though probably quite impossible), and like arnisador said, his intentions are a bit vague at this point, but his timing is very...odd.

dreading the start of another monster thread
<mod hat/on> *sigh*
When I read the post it seems to have nothing to do with Modern Arnis specifically but arnis and FMA in general. For those who don't know PIGSSAI has been active in the Philippines for a few years and is about promoting indginoues sports including the FMA.

Do I think that it will unite all sytles under a single governing body. Well no, but who cares at least it is an attempt at promoting the FMA. I would like to see more tourneys and the sport side pushed a little more. If silat can do it why not the FMA . And if they can get it going in the Phil. why not in the US. At least the disputes here are much more civil then back in the Phil. And unlike WEKAF, I believe that PIGSSAI has some Philippine gov't backing.

Black Grass
Originally posted by Black Grass
When I read the post it seems to have nothing to do with Modern Arnis specifically but arnis and FMA in general.[...]Do I think that it will unite all sytles under a single governing body. Well no, but who cares at least it is an attempt at promoting the FMA.

No argument. To the extent that the intent is to promote all FMA, that's great. Even in the likely event that it's a less than total success it could still be useful. There are certainly precedents for meta-organizations that might have the IMAFs, MARPPIO, and organizations representing other FMA included.

The FMA could use more publicity both here and in the Philippines, and it's good that people are trying. I wonder how it will impact the Modern Arnis situation however.
I've invited Shishir to be a member of our forum. I think that it's good to get as many different Modern Arnis people involed in our growing community.

In my last post

This just won't float here in the USA, not a chance in hell. We all can't get along as it is and we know each other. Let him come on here at martial talk and dance with the devil a little bit and maybe he'll float back down to earth with the rest of us. It's christmas and he has vissions of sugar plumbs dancing in his head.

I made light of a call for unity in the modern arnis community. This was not my intent. Just trying to make a point.

On a serious note what I have a problem with is why are people without broad ranging exposure trying to unify the art? So they can be THE MAN or so their group can be THE GROUP. It would seem that way. To unite modern arnis on a world wide level could only have been done by one man and he is no longer with us.
Had the Professor decided to bring the different countries in closer contact with each other and make a call for unity it was possible. But now, by the Professor's own doing there is no one big enough to have the support to acomplish a task of this magnitude.
Remy should have named a successor well before his illness set in and exposed this person to the world as such. Everyone thinks they are invincible and will live forever, but we all know this not to be true and need to prepare for the future. Because of the size and wide scope of Modern Arnis this should have been done.
With this not being done we are left in our current situation.

Not to lessen all the trouble in Afganistan, what is happening now over there is a good example to use in a question of unity.
The northern alliance and the victorious tribes are now fighting for power. Recently they have agreed on a new leader. WHY?? because of the outside pressure from the United States. Left on their own, the fighting between the winning factions would continue indefinately.
We, on the other hand have NO outside pressure to unify or fear of retribution if we don't.
So why would any of the new groups that have formed since Remy's passing, put themselves under the rules of another group or leader who has no more authority or not that much more knowledge than they do.
As it stands, without this outside pressure we will remain as we are, the same but different. Modern Arnis will change as time goes on and the different groups add their flavor to the art. There might not be one international group but it will survive. It is too much fun for it not to last. I once heard someone say that if you don't maintain something it will turn into something else. As for modern arnis, an art that has always been changing, maybe it's not so bad.
From the sublime to the ridiculous it's all there for us. Just pick whatever level of the art is best for you and with whatever group fill you needs.
Let's rock!!!!!
Originally posted by Renegade
I've invited Shishir to be a member of our forum. I think that it's good to get as many different Modern Arnis people involed in our growing community.

Yes--we've had a productive discussion with a representative of the IMAF, Inc. concerning the bifurcation of the IMAF and an interesting series of exchanges with Mr. Presas concerning MARPPIO. Hopefully the heat will settle down concerning Mr. Worden and we'll have a productive series of discussions then. I regret that we do not have a representative of Mr. Delaney's group posting about their organization!
Several invites were sent a while back. Perhaps some of you may have better luck, due to long term relationships with members of his organization and would be kind enough to send a few more invites?

Ok..... If you're going to -unify- Modern Arnis, I only see 4 players.
Jeff Delanys IMAF
Dr. Shea's IMAF
Tim Hartmans WMAA
and the Presas Family.

The rest are all giving the apearence of "Johnny come latelys" whos interest seems to be more powerplay, than serious intent for the arts continued survival.

Of these 4 groups, the only one that doesn't appear to be beating on their chest about how they are the "official, authorized, etc" successor is the WMAA. The other 3 groups go out of the way about it. The Presas Family due to the blood tie and ties to the early days ( legitimate reasons IMHO), the JD IMAF (being the "original" MA group), the RS IMAF (MOTTS). The 2 IMAF groups are locked in a pissing contest, and there are several yet to be cleared up questions on their rights of succession. (publish the will perhaps?)

These 4 groups are the -only- ones I've heard of, and IMHO, the -only- onces with any legitimate claim to being a successor group. All these other folks suddenly showing up...makes me suspicious. Its nice that 1 groups so vocal in their defence of their leader...and the death bed pics are nice too. and that others have "trained extensivly" (IE: saw him for 5 minutes 3 times last year), etc. etc. But I think the true successor would have to be someone who has been out there, day after day, hanging and banging with GM Presas over an extended period of time....not these, "people". Perhaps they are all very accomplished martial artists...but...are they truely "leaders" in the Modern Arnis World?

Hey guys.... I know a guy who once used the same rest room as GM Presas...can he declare himself the "Unifier" now too?

Hey Keil,
Point of interest; IMAF,inc. is NOT in a pissing contest with anyone. What point would that serve? Who would really benefit? What led you to believe that there was a pissing contest? Did you get pissed on? Did you get pissed off? Did you wanna join in on one? Did you wanna start one? Make sure that you don't piss into the wind. :D
And by the way, isn't the leader of the WMAA who has said several times that he is the highest ranked "active" black belt in modern anris. Isn't this one of the points of contention? Well, then that would include the WMAA in the club that you say they are not a member of, THE CHEST BEATING CLUB. SO THERE! TAKE THAT! CAN YOU DEAL WITH IT? :rofl: