Monarch of the Mountain

Andrew Green

MTS Alumni
Here's a little game, I start, so I am on the top of the mountain. Next person has to find a way (be creative) to push me off the mountain, and the person bellow them pushes them and so on.

You can't push yourself, you have to say how you pushed the person above you, and whoever gets post #250 in this thread wins :)
Lisa flings fish at the penguin master and as he tries to jump and catch them he slips tumbling down the hill.

Lisa is now the King of the mountain... muaahahahahahaha

Flying Crane throws a dog biscuit down the mountain, and Lisa's ferocious poodle bounces after it, dragging Lisa behind him.

I am Monarch of the Mountain!!
Lisa recovers quickly. Slaps a ham sausage on Flying Crane's butt sending Mr. Chew after him while he screams down the mountain with a poodle on his butt.

I am Monarch of the Mountain! muahahahahaha!
yeah, well, I slap the pooch off my butt, flap my wings and fly up over Lisa's head and cut loose with a torrent of bird poop right on lisa's picknick lunch. She is soo revolted and mentally unbalanced by the experience that she wanders off in a gibbering daze, until she lies down under a rocky overhang and falls asleep. Hours later she awakens under the light of the full moon. Still disoriented from the afternoon trauma, she gets up, takes six steps in the wrong direction and slips right off the edge of a cliff.

My work is done. I settle upon the crown of the hill, the reigning Monarch.
Flatlander parachutes in, dropping flaming chickens to clear a landing space. Flying Crane, wisely, recovers to a lower altitude.

Flatlander quickly builds a stone wall around the top.....
el Brujo de la Cueva sets off a 30 kiloton nuclear charge on the mountain,takes out Flatlander's stone emplacement, upnothkyosa's lurking butt, singes Lisa's poodle fur, chars Flying Crane's wings, and reduces the mountain to rubble.

I'm Monarch of a pile of rocks.:-partyon:
Lisa picks up one of the rocks. Flings it at elder999 (cause the other name is too damn long) pinging him in the side of the head sending him flying backwards where he lands unconscious.

Lisa mutters to herself as she starts to pile the rocks to make a mountain "damn boys always spoil everything, look what they did to my pretty mountain" grumble grumble grumble....

Rebuilds the mountain. Sits down with Mr. Chew... ahh..peace.
Flying Crane settles at the foot of the mountain. Reaching down and grabbing hold of the mountain by the roots, he picks it up, tips it upside down and gives it a good shake to rid it of its Lisa infestation.

Placing the mountain back on the ground, Flying Crane soars to the peak and overlooks his vast landholdings.
HKphooey takes a large fan (large generator with me for power) an fills Andrew's chute back up with air pulling him back into the air, where is own jet (which was on auto pilot) runs him down.
elder999 uses Judge Doom's 'toon eraser from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, in an Indian pump, deconstitutes Hong-Kong Phooey....steps lithely to top of reconstituted mountain......
Shesulsa hikes up the old fashioned way, rips the 'toon eraser from El Brujo's hands, crumples it up like a piece of paper, socks him an old-fashioned good one to the jaw which knocks him into next week, draws sword, crouches behind shield and awaits attack.
Shesulsa never sees the attack coming, as Flying Crane swoops in from behind, and pecks her in the back of the head with his beak. He gives her body the heave-ho over the edge and dares all comers.
Lisa jumps from behind a rock, plucks out cranes flight feather, hoofs him one in the jewels and sends him hurdling down the mountain :D
Shesulsa takes Lisa, chokes her till her razor sharp teeth bare and slingshots her at Crane's twins.
Crane nimbley sidesteps a rapidly accelerating poodle (where the hell did THAT come from??!!) and takes stock of the situation. He settles in a sheltered cove on the side of the mountain, to brood and plan....
Meditates and remote-views Crane's thoughts .... :ultracool
I slink near the mountain, observing all things that happened, then discovered a cave. I rappel inside, and while inside, slowly drill a hole right under Shesulsa. I stand out of the way while her weight crashes down and she's sucked into the deep caverns of the earth. I climb out with my ropes, cover the hole, and sing,

"I'm king of all that I see...."

- Ceicei