MOB, Kope and Aegis rules to starting the Arts

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Jeez, nobody comes to mind.... cetainly nobody on my ignore list... :D

Thanks for the cheap entertainment boys.
Originally posted by Jill666
Jeez, nobody comes to mind.... cetainly nobody on my ignore list... :D

Thanks for the cheap entertainment boys.

Our pleasure :D
You mean I can't get an 8th DAN in this : "Never train with anyone who claims that *****-slapping-do is a valid martial art... "

mhhhhhhh, gotta get my mooney back....

You can have an 8th Dan in *****-slapping-do if you like. Just PM me and I'll send you an address. All you need to do is send me $10000 and I'll send you a bit of paper with your name on it, which will be recognised by any other legitimate BSD master as the real deal. All I need aside from that is your word that you know the art well, and that'll be good enough for me.

Mmmm..... $10000 rank certificate....
Originally posted by Aegis
You can have an 8th Dan in *****-slapping-do if you like. Just PM me and I'll send you an address. All you need to do is send me $10000 and I'll send you a bit of paper with your name on it, which will be recognised by any other legitimate BSD master as the real deal. All I need aside from that is your word that you know the art well, and that'll be good enough for me.

BSD!!!!!! hehehe

:rofl: :D :rofl:
Never train with someone who runs his own forums for about 20 hours a day.

What? You guys don't wanna train with me? *sniff* *sniff* I'm hurt. :(

I mean, I'm a GM of Mousey-do :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
What? You guys don't wanna train with me? *sniff* *sniff* I'm hurt. :(

I mean, I'm a GM of Mousey-do :)

:lol: That was towards a certain Grandmaster/Soke/Guro/Sensei/Dr that I recently asked to come here but got refused :lol:

I wont mention names but if you want a disclaimer ask Aegis :asian:
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
What? You guys don't wanna train with me? *sniff* *sniff* I'm hurt. :(

I mean, I'm a GM of Mousey-do :)

Watch out for the double click index technique, I hear it is dangerous :D Beware of Kaith :eek:
I'll train with you Kaith!


See young Padawan, how blind shots can sometimes hit innocent bystanders?

(well, more-or-less innocent) :lol:
...unless, of course, it's from a very small group of egocentric "recognizers."
