


I though maybe every one can post a memory in their Martial arts journey that stands out in their mind. This could be anything; from the promotional Kick, your first belt, meeting a higher rancking black belt for the very first time. Well you get the idea. See how far we can take this!

here is mine. I remember walking by a building about 13 years ago. there were orintal lettering on the doors and few men were working inside, painting sweeping.....
i realized it was a Karate studio, i walked in and ask3ed for the owner, they pointed me to this giant of man with red hair. He called himself Si-Bok Tom Kelly. i asked him if i can take some lessons. he said sure and handed me the paint brush and pointed at a window frame. i've been hooked since.
It sounds like a movie but every thing that i metioned happened. i have been with Si-Bok since then.

bahenlaura, I enjoyed your story.

I've only been studying a little over a year now, so I don't have a
plethora of stories to choose from. And this isn't really a story, it's
more of my first compliment.

Since I first started, the assistant instructors kept telling me about
how once I learn power principles, I'm going to be kicking some
tail. Well the concepts finally sunk in, and became effective and
fun. One of the assistant instructors said to me, "Kirk, now that
you know how to bring it, you need to learn how to control it".
Something I'm still working on, but it's the best compliment I've
been given so far.
that's great. I am sure as you spend more time in the art you will discover new and facinating concepts.
keep up the faith.
Meeting Mr. C was really a great oppurtunity. :D He gave me some good advice for some things I needed to work on and everytime I do something that he told me about, I make sure I execute the exact way he told me to ingrain it in my brain so it'll eventually become instinct and later action instead of reaction.

the best compliment I've ever received was when my current instructor told me I had good control. made me all warm and fuzzy...or maybe that was the round kick to my head...guess I'll never know. ;)
I was in high school when my little brother came home with a movie (perfect weapon) and telling me this is the martial art he studied from some guy named Tom Kelly, went in and talked to him decided it wasnt for me and left for the army tried other things....Took me a while to realize it seeing other things but I came around ;) it is kinda addictive once you get going. haha
A second one would have to be Mr. Conatser calling me at work (when having a hectic bad day) and singing Elvis songs to celebrate Elvis birthday......That will be something I never forget!
I'll never forget the moment I learned that Burt..... [in my best big bird voice...... aaaaa "Hey Burt"] stole my woman Laura from me and married her!!

I'll get you some day Burt ......... just you wait....

:rofl: :shrug:
Well Sir,
It was not out of any disrespect. Love does not have any boundaries.:D
while on the subject of Mr. C., it will be a long remembered memory of being his assistant in showing Shepherd College students the value of torque. hehe. I couldn't see his hand moving, but my body certainly felt the impacts. :D
My promotion for the first degree black belt in the kenpo system will live with me for the rest of my life.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
My promotion for the first degree black belt in the kenpo system will live with me for the rest of my life.

Bruises still haven't faded, Eh? ;)
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
Bruises still haven't faded, Eh? ;)

No silly;) , It was very tough and physical. There was blood shed and some teary eyes and 1 jokester. Anyway the forms were done 1 at a time with questions after each form for each person. The self-defense techniques we did about 80 or more out of the system. Each were just picked at random. We performed each technique 3 times on each person. At the end you knew you passed not just given a belt to be in the good 'ole boys club. I don't ever want to be in anybody's good 'ole boy club. :)
it sounds like you belong to a warrior spirited school. that is great. so many times you see spirit of the art has been sacrificed for the sake of a belt ranking. it is good to hear that there are still iron workers among the watch makers.

Originally posted by bahenlaura
it sounds like you belong to a warrior spirited school. that is great. so many times you see spirit of the art has been sacrificed for the sake of a belt ranking. it is good to hear that there are still iron workers among the watch makers.

You just watch, I'm trying to figure out how to turn my people into Iron Worked Watch Makers!
Most memorable event??? Hmmmm ....

Had to be when Conatser and I were talking about eating our way through the Chinese Eating Establishments in AZ with the trusty and erstwhile Doc Chapél covering our 6:00!!! That would be one time when you "YOUNGSTERS" might want to stand back and learn! :lol:

It hasn't happened yet, but I suspect the ramifications will be felt as far away as Beijing! :lol: :lol: :lol:

My Dear Brothers,

The terms Iron worker and Watch maker are refering to deferent mentalities.
Iron Worker, is the one believes in strong basics, and hard work.... Watch maker is the one who works on movements and speed and continuty.
one complements the other. So many people forget about Strong Basics and all they want is the flash, thus the water down version of Kenpo.
So there it is a short version of what those words mean.
Remember: Being a worrior is not a job it is a life style.

your brother in kenpo

Originally posted by bahenlaura
it sounds like you belong to a warrior spirited school. that is great. so many times you see spirit of the art has been sacrificed for the sake of a belt ranking. it is good to hear that there are still iron workers among the watch makers.


Thank you for the comment but I don't think I would put myself in the category as iron worker. Being kind of small I try to work more on the technical side and be more precise on my movements.