McCain "Pals Around" with Terrorists, Too!!!


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
McCain "pals around" with anti-Castro, Cuban domestic terrorists.

He was photographed hugging Robert Martin Perez, who was a member of Omega 7, and is currently lobbying for the release of Eduardo Arocena, Omega 7's founder in the 70's, who set off bombs in New York, Florida and New Jersey to protest Jimmy Carter's easing of restrictions on Cuba in 1974. Omega 7 is also responsible for the murder of Orlando Letelier and Cuban diplomat Felix Rodriguez in New York.

Of course, none of this stopped McCain from taking their endorsements and money, other forms of support, or hugging them in public.

John McCain has even told these "Cuban exile groups" in Florida that he'll get Arocena out of jail if elected-guess he'll say anything to get elected, kind of like Barack Obama.

Seen all over the place, if you know where to look, but:


and here.
Maybe he does. And the media should be looking into that. Im no McCain fan, even though Im holding my nose and voting for him. Since the media appears to not be interested in putting Obama under the microscope I dont think its so unfair that people here are asking questions about ACORN, and his pal the Weather Underground dude.
You know any top tier politician is going to have been in multiple rooms at some point with unsavory people of all kinds.
You know any top tier politician is going to have been in multiple rooms at some point with unsavory people of all kinds.

And maybe even photographed hugging them.Though, to be fair, Perez was held prisoner in Cuba for many years before coming to the U.S., and didn't join OMega 7 until after the bombings.

Of course, Mr. McCain needs their money, and has promised to ramp up sanctions against Cuba if elected........