Mayweather vs McGregor

Gerry Seymour

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Mar 27, 2012
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Hendersonville, NC
well yes, but boxing is violence,the fact he uses violence in his personal life won't be,a turn off to people who watch violence as entertainment.
tiger image and marketing was based on his family man image , with out that his sponsors didn't want to be associated with him

You can't,cause FM of hypocrisy, he never pretended to be,anything but what he was
Much of the rest of martial arts is violence, too. That doesn't mean everyone in MA is a violent person. Most people don't beat people. Some agree to beat people for points, trophies, and/or money - and most of them don't beat people who don't agree to it.


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
McGregor AND Mayweather signed a contract and that contract would have contained the clause that said they would hype this match up, sell it and make sure people bought tickets and ppv which it did, that could be classed as cynical or just good business.
A huge fuss was kicked up when Americans thought McGregor was being racist when he said 'boy' to Mayweather. Now we've had this before on MT, a non American I think a brit said that in a post to an American who went ballistic over it. In Ireland and the UK it has no racial overtones, no implications no history in the way that word does in the US, it's used either patronisingly or literally to a boy. The Irish love Conor, and that's what matters to him. Racist? Conor McGregor is a hero

How we use the word 'boy' in the UK.
I don't know if I'm the person to whom you're referring, but I do recall being very clear with @Chris Parker several times, as he has a tendency to call people "boy" or "son" as a way of intentionally demeaning them. I don't believe he means it as a racial slur, but it certainly was used by him in a pejorative manner. My point then, as now, is that if you don't know, no harm done. But once you know, you're making a choice. Conor may not have known 'boy' is a slur when used in America, and has racist connotations here, but he knows now.

But to be clear, Conor didn't JUST say, 'Dance for me, boy," to mayweather (an overtly racist statement in America, and at least disrespectful in any English speaking country). He also made comments about monkeys which is a pretty horrible thing to say. And he also made comments about turning him into a Mexican, which if not overtly racist is at the very least promoting a stereotype of how Mexican boxers fight. This all on top of disrespectful comments towards Mayweather's daughter, which is just dickish.

Now, just to be clear, I didn't have any problem watching and enjoying the fight. But if we're getting into a character discussion, these are two guys with pretty significant issues on that front. Defending one and not the other or suggesting one is just misunderstood is blatant homerism.


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
promotion can only take things so far. you dont get as big as Conner by just normal UFC promotions.

look at how big Joe Rogans pod cast is. he is the number 6 on the top 10, i saw a google post that said in one month he had 90,000,000 down loads. i dont see his pod cast promoted all over the place. in some ways Jon Jones drug problems have been his biggest publicity. i remember Dana saying that the public really dosent like Jones, he doesnt get the numbers past fighters were getting. so to get really popular you need to have likability or an "IT" factor.
Self promotion is still promotion. Conor is very good at self promotion. And to his credit, he backs it up. I appreciate his willingness to take risks.


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
well yes, but boxing is violence,the fact he uses violence in his personal life won't be,a turn off to people who watch violence as entertainment.
tiger image and marketing was based on his family man image , with out that his sponsors didn't want to be associated with him

You can't,cause FM of hypocrisy, he never pretended to be,anything but what he was
Ultimately, whether sponsors stick with you or not will be a dollars issue, not an ethical one. Tiger Woods' sponsors left him because his reputation was just toxic and has never quite recovered. Had there not been the hue and cry, he likely would still have all of his endorsements.

Football players are a group known for various issues. Sometimes drugs, sometimes domestic violence or gang affiliations or whatever. It's a function of optics and public outcry what will actually happen. Goodell is known for making decisions based not on a consistent table of penalties, but rather on an arbitrary sense of what looks good or bad at that time in that moment. This is why guys like Keapernick can't get a job for saying dumb things and kneeling during the National Anthem, but guys who have done really despicable things continue to sell jerseys and make big bucks.

The point isn't whether any of this is right or wrong, fair or unfair. It's that these are all businesses, and we are a fickle public, easily distracted. Businesses aren't generally making decisions based upon ethics. They make them based upon money. If association with a person is good for business, they will pay well. If association is bad for business, they will take a principled stand.

Look at Bill O'Reilly as another example. The guy was harassing women for literally years, documented in multiple, million plus dollar settlements. It was only when the information became public and started to affect the bottom line that the company made the decision to sever the relationship. It wasn't a principled decision. It was a financial one based on the optics of the situation.

This is why we have government oversight and regulatory control over business. If we left it up to businessmen to act in a way that is ethical, we wouldn't need child labor laws, OSHA or the EPA.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Disreputable people in boxing? Whoever heard of such a thing.

Amazing ain't it. :)

There was a trailer on television for a programme about Whitney Houston on the other day, I didn't watch the programme but the trailer had Whitney on saying 'it's not success that ruins you, it's the fame'. Think that probably applies to many.

CB Jones

Senior Master
Feb 20, 2017
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Amazing ain't it. :)

There was a trailer on television for a programme about Whitney Houston on the other day, I didn't watch the programme but the trailer had Whitney on saying 'it's not success that ruins you, it's the fame'. Think that probably applies to many.

People are who they are....fame just makes it harder to hide


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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People are who they are....fame just makes it harder to hide

Not always and often fame makes it easier to hide. It also makes it easier to lose any sense of reality.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Jun 27, 2011
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Whitney's downfall was Bobby Brown. A world class idiot.


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
I think it might have been the drugs and alcohol abuse.

Bit you know what puffy said. Mo money; mo problems.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Whitney's downfall was Bobby Brown. A world class idiot.

Chances are he saw the money and thought he could leach off her.
Many others including boxers have had the same experience with managers and other hangers on. It's not in their interest to lose their golden goose, they will hide any bad behaviour and other activities they think will impede their 'client' making money.


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
Chances are he saw the money and thought he could leach off her.
Many others including boxers have had the same experience with managers and other hangers on. It's not in their interest to lose their golden goose, they will hide any bad behaviour and other activities they think will impede their 'client' making money.
When they got together they were both pretty big. Kind of a Jay-Z Beyonce thing.


Black Belt
Aug 28, 2017
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Whitney's downfall was Bobby Brown. A world class idiot.
The main problem famous people have...yes men who refuse to tell them when they're doing wrong stuff. People like Elvis, Michael Jackson, Mike Tyson etc all these people suffered because they didnt have anyone who actually cared enough about them to tell the truth and stop them. Even GSP he said before he fought Serra the first time he was surrounded by yes men so he wasn't getting the best out of his training.

CB Jones

Senior Master
Feb 20, 2017
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Whitney's downfall was Bobby Brown. A world class idiot.

Nah....Whitney is who introduced Brown to cocaine. She had problems before Brown they just hid them.

She was who she just took time for people to find out.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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Much of the rest of martial arts is violence, too. That doesn't mean everyone in MA is a violent person. Most people don't beat people. Some agree to beat people for points, trophies, and/or money - and most of them don't beat people who don't agree to it.

The difference between sex and rape.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Black Belt
Aug 28, 2017
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Okay so talking of liscences, mcgregors boxing liscence is suspended for 2 months but does that cross over to mma as well. If he wanted to could he fight mma next week as an example.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Nah....Whitney is who introduced Brown to cocaine. She had problems before Brown they just hid them.

She was who she just took time for people to find out.

This is one of the problems we have when it comes to judging people, one rumour says this and other that. People see someone like Conor and find reasons to be offended, others see Conor and see reason to love him, often it can be the same reason for both. Some see what he said as hugely offensive others see what he said as not offensive, that can depend entirely on one's cultural background ( look up 'black Irish' btw). Some people have been calling Conor a 'pikey' among other insults, some insult him because he's Irish, others love him because he's Irish but the truth is we don't know him no more than we know any other public figure. if we have met them then we can only judge by what we see but again that depends on the circumstances. I know a very popular on television jockey, a hail fellow well met sort of guy, laughs a lot on television, always smiling but in real life is a nasty bullying little sh1t that everyone who works with him hates. The truth is we don't know these people, we don't know what Whitney's problems really were, we don't know if it was her or him but people judge based on their prejudices and their background.

Anyway here's the latest comments from Conor courtesy of his FB page.

"Just coming back around after a whirlwind couple of days.
Thank you to all the fans for the support of the fight and the event! Without your support we as fighters are nothing so I thank you all!
Thank you to my team of coaches and training partners!
I had an amazing team and It truly was an amazing and enjoyable camp, and honestly I feel with just a little change in certain areas of the prep, we could have built the engine for 12 full rounds under stress, and got the bette...r result on the night.
Getting to 12 rounds alone in practice was always the challenge in this camp. We started slowly getting to the 12 and decreasing the stress in the rounds the closer it got to 12. I think for the time we had, 10 weeks in camp, it had to be done this way. If I began with a loaded 12 rounds under much stress I would have only hit a brick wall and lost progress as a result and potentially not made the fight. A little more time and we could have made the 12 cleanly, while under more stress, and made it thru the later rounds in the actual fight. I feel every decision we made at each given time was the correct decision, and I am proud of everyone of my team for what we done in the short time that we done it.
30 minutes was the longest I have fought in a ring or cage or anywhere. Surpassing my previous time of 25 minutes. I am happy for the experience and happy to all take these great lessons with me and implement them into my camp going forward.
Another day another lesson!
Congrats to Floyd on a well fought match. Very experienced and methodical in his work. I wish him well in retirement. He is a heck of a boxer. His experience, his patience and his endurance won him this fight hands down. I always told him he was not a fighter but a boxer. But sharing the ring with him he is certainly a solid fighter. Strong in the clinch. Great understanding of frames and head position. He has some very strong tools he could bring into an MMA game for sure.
Here is a toast of whiskey to everyone involved in this event and everyone who enjoyed it!
Thank you to you all! Onto the next one!"


CB Jones

Senior Master
Feb 20, 2017
Reaction score
Okay so talking of liscences, mcgregors boxing liscence is suspended for 2 months but does that cross over to mma as well. If he wanted to could he fight mma next week as an example.

Not in the US. All states have to honor the suspension


Sr. Grandmaster
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MT Mentor
Jun 27, 2011
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Nah....Whitney is who introduced Brown to cocaine. She had problems before Brown they just hid them.

She was who she just took time for people to find out.

I was in Law Enforcement in Boston, Bobby grew up three miles from where I did. The last time I actually saw him - I was driving home after shift, about 2:30 in the morning. I was living in a lily white town at the time. As I approached my house, coming over the hill, I see a sea of blue lights.

Bobby had met a gal at a club a couple days before. Apparently she gave him her address - which was bogus. So he "borrowed" his uncle's car, which was unregistered, not insured and had no license plates. A low key car - a shiny, candy apple red Porsche. He parks it half on the sidewalk and half on rte 138, get's out with a flash light and starts walking around houses shining the light at address on doors and into windows. Some jerk must have called the cops. There he is, being led away, cuffed, not three feet in front of me. I even said hi, both to him and to a couple of the cops. I just shook my head.

I'm telling you, bro, a World Class Idiot. Once teamed up with Whitney - what could possibly go wrong?

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