July 2002 Forum Stats and Forum comparison

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
July 2002 Forum Stats
(note – there were no accurate June stats due to the server move)

July log files = 358 MB

July 2002 Forum Stats
In the month of July, We've had visitors displayed 277,088+ pages, and moved 8.147 Gigabytes of data.

The more detailed breakdown follows.
Time Period June 30, 2002, 10:30:04 AM to July 22, 2002, 12:39:17 PM (note last 9 days were lost from the logs)
Hits on Pages 277,088
Total Visiting Users 32,732
Average Users per Day 1,423.13
Total Data Transfer for month of July 2002 = 8.147 GB

Banner Ads:
Covers the rotating ads in top right corner.
May 2002 # advertisers = 7 Avg # displays per banner = 28304
June 2002 # advertisers = 7 Avg # displays per banner = 33380
July 2002 # advertisers = 7 Avg # displays per banner = 41663

Registered Members: 867 (as of 8-20-02)

New Users by month

Date #
July 2002 86
June 2002 83
May 2002 68
April 2002 105
March 2002 183
February 2002 51
January 2002 60
December 2001 28
November 2001 46
October 2001 40
September 2001 14
August 2001 38


New Posts by month
Date #
July 2002 6401
June 2002 6641
May 2002 5177
April 2002 4664
March 2002 5926
February 2002 2620
January 2002 2855
December 2001 858
November 2001 1504
October 2001 1314
September 2001 493
August 2001 110

New Threads by Month
Date #
July 2002 376
June 2002 401
May 2002 320
April 2002 278
March 2002 425
February 2002 221
January 2002 287
December 2001 95
November 2001 147
October 2001 129
September 2001 80
August 2001 73

Forum Comparison
We have been doing a comparison of MartialTalk with other forums known to us over the last 8 months. Based on our research, we have concluded that MartialTalk is the #4 martialarts forum online. Thank you everyone for making us a success!

A brief sampling follows:
This is based on 1 wk change.
MartialTalk BudoSeek aBudokan defend.net swordforum.com ebudo.com aikiweb.com Kung Fu Mag BladeForums

This is "New in the last week"
Posts 1614 167 103 276 2789 563 593 2458 6973
Threads 114 25 15 46 281 101 50 148 780
Members 25 23 6 32 94 25 26 33 79

This is rankings 1-9 based on info above:
Position in Top Forums - New posts 4 8 9 7 2 6 5 3 1
Position in Top Forums - New Threads 4 8 9 7 2 5 6 3 1
Position in Top Forums - New Members 6 7 8 4 1 6 5 3 2

I'll explain this a little bit... Compared to 1 week ago, we're averaging where I thought we were.
We are definately in the top 4 of the 9 we've been tracking.

Based on this, the top forums are:
1 - Bladeforums - specialty for blades
2 - swordforums - specialty is sword arts
3 - Kung Fu Mag forums - CMA
4 - MartialTalk - general arts forum
5 - aikiweb.com - Akido
6 - ebudo.com - Japanese
7 - defend.net - General
8 - BudoSeek - General
9 - abudokan.com - general

This is again based on a 1 week sampling. We will be releasing a more detailed (and easier to read) report in early September.

I want more forums to use in this comparison to truely get a more accutate number.

It looks like we're number one among general fora! Only specialized blade/sword fora and a kung fu forum is higher by this analysis!
Now, before someone says "Well X has more posts..." etc, thats right. E-Budo has 2X the total posts as us, and I wont even go into the Million plus on Blade forums. (Man, thats a lot!). What we are doing is tracking 'changes over a time period'. Its one thing to say "We have 2000 members" its another to say "We had 200 new sign ups" or "we had 200 new posts".

One of our goals is to make MT the best we can, and based on everyones feedback we're doing pretty good. :)


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