May 18 & 19 seminar with Guro Dan Inosanto in Michigan


White Belt
May 18 & 19 seminar with Guro Dan Inosanto in Michigan, plus a map and a list of hotels. Feel free to pass the information on to others that may be interested. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

David & Lynda Hatch
Attributive Martial Arts, Inc.
Canton, Michigan
May 18 & 19 seminar with Guro Dan Inosanto in Michigan, plus a map and a list of hotels. Feel free to pass the information on to others that may be interested. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

David & Lynda Hatch
Attributive Martial Arts, Inc.
Canton, Michigan

Dave Hatch is a good guy.

Check out his club and also some good training with Guro Inosanto.
I'm pretty sure the seminar is May 16th and 17th (the weekend) and not the Monday and Tuesday as posted above...better be as that is when I've booked my hotel room and time off work :-)

Have fun! It is always a good time training with Guro Dan!
May 18 & 19 seminar with Guro Dan Inosanto in Michigan, plus a map and a list of hotels. Feel free to pass the information on to others that may be interested. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

David & Lynda Hatch
Attributive Martial Arts, Inc.
Canton, Michigan

Best of luck. I have some Kali friends here in Toronto who have trained with Guro Inosanto in the States and have wonderful things to say about him. They also trained with his daughter, and said she was very nice. I believe the Inosantos have a very good rep for their seminars.
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Always loved going to dan inosanto seminars. He is a library of information that just flows out of him. Is it true that he will be retiring from the seminar circuit this year or what I heard just a rumor?