MartialTalk "Meet & Greets"

Indeed, Kaith MT has grown (wonderously) and would probably require regions to allow for such fun events as meet and greets and gatherings. I say we need to divide the country (no, not that way geez) into areas where those living in that particular region can create a committee of devotees to plan out similiar gatherings in their particular err, region.
We could hold them at various times of the year so that those (who can afford such ventures) can attend a different one thoughout the year. We then could (not this year but mebbe for 2006 have a national convention of MT-ers hosted by a particular region.
Each would be self funded by donations or some other type of fund-raising to help fray the costs of such ventures. Local schools can likewise play host.

What do ya'll think.... ???
MACaver said:
Indeed, Kaith MT has grown (wonderously) and would probably require regions to allow for such fun events as meet and greets and gatherings. I say we need to divide the country (no, not that way geez) into areas where those living in that particular region can create a committee of devotees to plan out similiar gatherings in their particular err, region.
We could hold them at various times of the year so that those (who can afford such ventures) can attend a different one thoughout the year. We then could (not this year but mebbe for 2006 have a national convention of MT-ers hosted by a particular region.
Each would be self funded by donations or some other type of fund-raising to help fray the costs of such ventures. Local schools can likewise play host.

What do ya'll think.... ???
I like this also
Kaith Rustaz,

Could you put post some video clips of the event on Martial talk for us "out of towner's". (Australia)

Appreciate your consideration

With luck, yup. I'm hoping to get some content to beef up our clips section :)
Kaith Rustaz said:
With luck, yup. I'm hoping to get some content to beef up our clips section
Cool, Im sure many members would appreciate it specially for those that are a broad,

Thanks again
hey guys, im new to the forum but not to martial arts. i think this is a great idea. any others from az or the nearby states? something could definitely be set up.
This is not an attempt to highjack an excellent idea but Robert Carver of Budoseek and I are hosting a meet&greet/Seminar in New Orleans this coming January. It's certainly not limited to budoseek folks and with the line-up of instructors, everyone should find something worthwhile. Ellis Amdur, Toby Threadgill, Chris Dewey and Michael DeBethencourt are just some of the folks involved and Judo, Aikido, Shorin Ryu, Hapkido and Jujutsu are among the arts that will be represented.

If MartialTalk holds an event in the SouthEast, count me in!

Mark Barlow
I've seen the events other boards put on. Tons of fun all around. We aughta have some joint ones..maybe do a lasertag or paintball competition. :)

I hope I didn't miss this and am being redundant. Is it just for the one day? How many people do you anticipate? Where is lodging in the area? I'm about 8 hours away but I want to make every effort to be there. I've never been to such an event before.


The MT West Seneca M&G is a 1 day event, we're expecting 10-20, so it'll be a small informal gathering.
Info on lodging, etc is at the camp page :)
come on folks I'd like to get a chance to talk with you in person. It's always nice to be able to put a face with a name.
We will all have a good time and it's not a formal thing. Everyone gets to play, and then we drift down the way to a place we can relax even more
truly awesome Idea. Howabout the southwest --say like san antonio.
Mr Rustaz I would be honored to hold an event here in Texas just let me know when and give me atleast two months notice and we can set up everything we can use the Dojaang or organize the event outside if you like, it would be nice to put a face with the post of everybody.

Terry Lee Stoker