Martial Artist and Divorce

I always thought that each of you having different hobbies helped as you get some space every now and again. martial arts are great for getting away from the house and your family for a few hours a week. you're all better for it!
PPKO, things will get better. Try not to let it unbalance your mind too much. My wife and I came very close to divorce late last year (November/December). I believe my martial arts training was and still is sort of an issue for her in the whole thing. See, she has no interest in martial arts at all. She fails to see that it is more than a hobby, it is a life path. Martial arts is very similar to a religious following with regards to dedication and how it guides one's life.

So I really don't know that divorce is any higher with martial artists, but I can see a potential and I do think it can cause alot of conflict in a relationship just like religious beliefs and followings can do under certain circumstances. However, these things can be worked out. I honestly believe, my situation would be far different if my training was something I was doing prior to our meeting each other, rather than after marriage and a child. Another words, if it were part of the package beforehand, I believe it would be easier for us. I also see *this* as training as well.
Sorry to hear it. My wife is not involved in MA at all. I have to really go out of my way to make sure we spend a lot of time together. Hang in There.


ppko said:
I am currently going through a divorce this is my first marriage, I truly love my wife, but she does not want to try and work anything out so our marriage is over. Though it still stings a bit I have pretty much gotten over it. here is my question why do you think that divorce rates tend to be high in the Martial Arts world

I'm very sorry for your pain as you've gone through this...
it's never nice.

I think that it has a lot to do with the spouses not sharing in the (Sometimes) excessive devotion to something outside of the family or marriage.

Your Brother
I truly wish you the best of fortune as you recover from the devastation of divorce. I grew up with my dad, not my mom. I see how it affects people. It sucks, I myself have been married for 5 years. I have known my wife for 15 years now.

Upon reading your question "Why is it so high with MA practitioners?" I don't think it is the fact that the MA's are involved, I would almost think that there are outside influences involved and the fact that someone practices MA's is just an excuse hiding the underlying issues.

I am very fortunate in the aspect that my wife is very supportive.

Again, I am terribly sorry that you are going through so much pain.

Best regards,

Let me explain why I think theyare high (or thought they were) every Martial Arts instructor that I have met and known very well has been divorced at least once so I have always assumed that divorce was very high in the Martial Arts. Thanks to everyone for the support, this has been a very rough time for me I am averaging about 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night for the last month or so. I just wish that she was willing to try and work things out, but thats life I guess
Sometimes life just happens, I dont really think martial arts has much to do with it, its life, it is like a deck of cards, you get the hand that life deals you and you have no choice but to run with it. Keep your chin up man and always remember all the people around you that care about you and love you. And all the friends you have here on Martialtalk as well. Chin up bro, we will all pray for you.

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