Man Holds Robbers At Gun Point


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Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Another win for the good guys! :)

NEW HAVEN — Brandon Kruse went out for some sushi and a beer on State Street, but instead found himself surrounded by three young teens. One punched him in the head.

Surrounded and believing he was about to be mugged, Kruse, a 29-year-old sales manager, pulled out his .40-caliber handgun — and ultimately helped police capture all three assailants.

The incident happened Saturday night at State near Wall Street. Kruse was walking down State from his nearby apartment to the Kumo Hibachi Steakhouse. He had heard good things about it.

While he’s licensed to carry a firearm, he doesn’t usually, he said Monday.

“Normally, I never even carry, but for whatever reason, I had a strange feeling Saturday night, so I put it in my concealed holster and went out,” he said.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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This makes me cranky, though...

Police spokesman Joe Avery said Monday that authorities don’t advocate individuals pulling out firearms in the face of a possible mugging.

I will agree with part of that statement; don't draw a weapon unless you are legally justified in doing so and PREPARED TO USE IT.

At community seminars he conducts, Avery said he is regularly asked, “‘What should I do if I’m being robbed?’” His reply is always the same: Don’t resist.

Good advice if you are unarmed and unprepared to defend yourself or unable to otherwise escape.

Resisting could turn a volatile situation violent, he said, recalling a daylight mugging in Wooster Square in which the victim, also licensed to carry a weapon, shot and wounded his alleged assailant.

First, being punched in the head by a mugger is already violent. Second good on the victim who shot and wounded his assailant. Yay him.

He said he was grateful that the scenario Saturday ended without injury, but pointed out other potential endings: The intended victim shooting an assailant or being disarmed and shot himself.

In the first case, yay and in the second case, the victim would have only himself to blame. Defending yourself with a weapon is risky. Not every situation calls for it. I have advocated and will always advocate using your brains to find the solution that is most likely to result in you not being injured, and if that means giving up you wallet, then do that. However, when legally armed and you have ALREADY been violently attacked by a group of assailants, I can't find any reason not to draw the weapon. If the attack had not instantly ceased, and I mean that millisecond, I'd have no compunctions about firing it. That's a life-threatening situation. The attackers, juvenile or not, took their lives in their own hands and are responsible for their own deaths if that's the result of their actions.


Purple Belt
Apr 22, 2011
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Calera/Durant, OK
I believe that this is why we have concealed carry laws. How stupid to advise against using the concealed weapon. What is the point if you don't at least draw it to try and protect yourself?



Yellow Belt
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
Waterbury, CT
This makes me cranky, though...

I will agree with part of that statement; don't draw a weapon unless you are legally justified in doing so and PREPARED TO USE IT.

Good advice if you are unarmed and unprepared to defend yourself or unable to otherwise escape.

First, being punched in the head by a mugger is already violent. Second good on the victim who shot and wounded his assailant. Yay him.

In the first case, yay and in the second case, the victim would have only himself to blame. Defending yourself with a weapon is risky. Not every situation calls for it. I have advocated and will always advocate using your brains to find the solution that is most likely to result in you not being injured, and if that means giving up you wallet, then do that. However, when legally armed and you have ALREADY been violently attacked by a group of assailants, I can't find any reason not to draw the weapon. If the attack had not instantly ceased, and I mean that millisecond, I'd have no compunctions about firing it. That's a life-threatening situation. The attackers, juvenile or not, took their lives in their own hands and are responsible for their own deaths if that's the result of their actions.

Bill, I agree with you 100%.


Blue Belt
Apr 25, 2011
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How many of the world's insane shooting spree's could have been stopped half way through if more intelligent and responsible people carried arms?

Stupid people will always find criminals to get weapons from with little inconvenience meanwhile intelligent and responsible members of society have to jump through hoops just to own a BB gun.

Lee Mainprize

Orange Belt
Jun 23, 2011
Reaction score
I suppose this kind of thing evens the argument for carrying guns. If criminals have them then I'd want one too!


Senior Master
Apr 18, 2007
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ok, its simple, if you carry a weapon, any weapon and draw it, use it! If it was not serious enough to justify using it, you should not have drawn it. you may get away with out using it, but when you draw that knife, club or gun or what have you, you better be intending to use it with out hesitation. Guns especially people think are magic wands. NEWS FLASH BOYS AND GIRLS!! a gun is nothing but a drill that makes holes at a distance! so if you draw one start making holes!!

in that situation, I would have fired. multiple attackers, battery already happened, some may have a knife or other weapon, absolutely good reason for any one to be in fear of their life.... that equals a deadly force situation in my state.

some guy steps out with a gun in hand asks for your wallet.. give it to him. But IF YOU ARE SURE HE IS GOING TO SHOOT ANY WAY.... then go for broke nothing to loose.


MT Senior Moderator
Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Lives in Texas
A word of advice. I do advocate legal concealed carry. But, if shots are fired, immediately be the one calling 911 informing them of the situation. When LE arrives, and you are the one holding the firearm, you will make yourself the target. A huge responsibility goes along with concealed carry, and it is something you as a citizen needs to realize. When the officers arrive, be totally compliant and follow their orders completely until things get sorted out. A word to the wise.


Orange Belt
Dec 22, 2011
Reaction score
Nice to see something like this happen. I wouldn't have pulled out the gun so soon... but I guess he did it for a good cause.

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