MA Uniform as Halloween Costume

They are just clothes to exercise in and the belt just holds your pants up. I have students that only wear the dobak for belt tests the rest of the time, addidas exercise pants and T-shirts. I spend all day in a uniform for my job, I can't bear the thought of calling a dobak a uniform.

We were all Ghostbusters this year. Except one, she was the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man.
The uniform (gi or dobok) and belt (obi) deserves respect, that's what my sambonim always taught us, so for me no gi or dobok for a hallowen costume. There wa sone time I went to dojang with my dobok rolled and tied to my waist with the obi and when sambonim saw me reprehend me, he told me that was not a way to transport the uniform.

So please forgive me to be square but traditions to me means a lot, I have the higest respect for my dobok and for my belt so I treat them as treasure and try to keep them clean and in good condition.

Nothing to forgive Manny. Nothing wrong with respect. I just think what you DO is far more important than what you wear.

The uniform (gi or dobok) and belt (obi) deserves respect, that's what my sambonim always taught us, so for me no gi or dobok for a hallowen costume. There wa sone time I went to dojang with my dobok rolled and tied to my waist with the obi and when sambonim saw me reprehend me, he told me that was not a way to transport the uniform.

So please forgive me to be square but traditions to me means a lot, I have the higest respect for my dobok and for my belt so I treat them as treasure and try to keep them clean and in good condition.

Some kid wearing his martial arts uniform trick or treating does no one any harm. Seems there are much bigger things to be upset about than this, even in the martial arts community.

I think that this is a fun little thread but if you are taking a moral stand on this you should chill out!

Nobody responding to this thread really seemed all that upset about it.
Not upset just a little to serious about a peice of clothing. My verbiage may have been a little to strong.
Not upset just a little to serious about a peice of clothing. My verbiage may have been a little to strong.

It was for me, it got me all into a moral outrage.

I didn't think anyone got upset about being in disagreement with wearing the MA uniform as a costume. It is the way I was taught: respect for the teacher, the school/dojang, the flag, and the uniform. The uniform must always be clean and even during practice, kept in proper array. One turned away from others and went to one knee to readjust the uniform. Because of that I am against wearing it for a costume, or even on the way home if you wear it into an establishment such as a store. I learned that when I briefly studied TKD, and then again when I studied HKD. Again, if you weren't taught that way, you can do what you were taught.

For others who have been taught otherwise, so be it. I don't set your standards any more than you set mine. I am not angry at you for thinking that way since it was the way you were taught. As others have said, I am a traditionalist in that regard.

I suppose it may sound strange, but I would not be so upset if I knew someone was wearing a MA costume if they weren't a student of MA.
I must admit i've worn my gi to a friends birthday party before. it was an 80s party and i went as... karate kid :) bought a bandanna matching his one and off i went.

what was amusing was someone else (friend of a friend) had come as karate kid too and we started chatting when he noticed my emblem and asked what it was. relevant to another thread, his demeaner suddenly changed when i told him it was a real gi.

although i do realise our gi shouldnt be worn outside of the dojo (i dont even wear it to training, i always get changed once there) i was very mindful of it. i wasnt drinking that evening as i was on meds for a bad shoulder, so it was a nice night.. no messiness :)