Lori Levy


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
I heard today of the death of Lori Levy: someone who shaped the way I looked at the world. Lori was our neighbor growing up. She was 4 years older than I. She was born with a mental disabilty. Our parents were friends, so our families did many things together. Everything was always a few steps slower because of Lori. Everything had to be explained in detail because of Lori. But when we took life a little slower, it was also more appreciated.

As a kid with a physical disabilty, I could have easily felt sorry for myself. Growing up with Lori, I learned how incredibly blessed I was. Lori taught me the value of real friendships, & the appreciation for Elvis that I have to this day. She made a difference in my life.

There will be no parades for her, & she wasn't a household name. But a large reason why I work with adults with disabilities today is because of Lori.

Lori was 45 years old.:asian:
Sorry for the loss, your openness is very touching.