Lesnar vs. Carwin

It was one of the best UFC's I've seen in a long time.

Shane's weakness is exposed, Cardio.

He could have had that fight had his cardio been better. It must be tough at that weight though. Also he needs to learn to breathe better and pace himself.

Brock was impressive though, he weathered the storm and has new found humility. A condition like divurticulitis can do that to you. Show you you're vulnerable just like everyone else.

As for Brock being a better wrestler, I would say SLIGHTLY. Shane did a good job early on with the Wizzer and clearly showed that there isn'T that big of a difference in their wrestling.

The second round Shane barely resisted as he was out of gas.
BTW that choke he was in can be easily blocked and countered.

Either way it was a great night of fights.
I think there is a huge difference in their wrestling skills. Now do not get me wrong that Carwin is not a good wrestler. No he is good. However, Brock is and has demonstrated that he is a world class wrestler. Still his submission game is not that strong but I imagine they are working on that almost every day! ;)
To reiterate what everyone else said, cardio was probably the biggest deciding factor. Obviously Lesnar has been working hard on his. If Shane Carwin works hard on his, he could be a serious force to be reckoned with!

Also having some GIGANTIC arms doesn't hurt when you're blocking punches on the ground! Those sides of beef sure helped keep a lot of those flurry of punches from reachings Brock's head.
Also having some GIGANTIC arms doesn't hurt when you're blocking punches on the ground! Those sides of beef sure helped keep a lot of those flurry of punches from reachings Brock's head.

True, those HUGE arms helped prevent Brock from taking more serious shots than he did, which would likely have ended the fight.

I could only hope if I ever had to fight either of these guys that I could outrun them! And even then I'm not so sure.
I truly think that 8 to 16 months down the line Shane can conceivably beat Brock. We all know the hole in his game and we all can see where Brock is lacking too.

Oh boy do I pity the next sap who's got to fight Shane.

Oh, by the way, anyone notice how much smaller Brock was? His chest was not nearly as deep as it was a year ago. But he has had a tough year and it showed in everything he did, including his long waited for gracious victory.
the die hard lesner haters are still at it, still trying to do ANYTHING to keep from giving lesner any credit what so ever......

he SUBMITTED the dude.

everyone said "he's just big, he has no skill"

cant say that any more.

he may be a douche knuckle, but give the big man his props
the die hard lesner haters are still at it, still trying to do ANYTHING to keep from giving lesner any credit what so ever......

he SUBMITTED the dude.

everyone said "he's just big, he has no skill"

cant say that any more.

he may be a douche knuckle, but give the big man his props

I think pretty much everyone recognizes his wrestling skill. His NCAA record speaks for that, it is incredible. What most people doubt is the "mixed" part of his "mixed martial arts." Lesnar was timid on his feet, and brutally outpunched by Carwin. Look at the replay, it's a perfect parry of Lesnar's punch, followed by an amazing combo. Once on his back, Lesnar could accomplish nothing other than covering up for 3-4 minutes. He was big and tough enough to survive it, so he could get back to his strong point - taking people down, being on top, and using his wrestling skill.
I'm looking forward to the next proposed fight for the HW title, it is allegedly Cain Valasquez vs. Lesnar.

I'm not a Lesnar fan, but between his vast wrestling experience and size, adding the other parts to his game with the mental drive he has is going to make him a force to be reckoned with for awhile.
I think Lesnar will eventually get knocked out. Carwin was a hair away from doing that.
I think someone should try putting lesner on his back.

I think he'll show a big weakness off his back.
As much as I dislike Lesnar, Carwin did not deserve to win or be heavyweight champion (at least this time). And I like Carwin a LOT more than I like Lesnar. According to the live simulcast from Sherdog, it was reported that Carwin was hyper-ventilating when the fight doctor checked him after the match. In other words, he came into a world title fight with so little prep in cardio that he didn't just gas, but was that far gone that long after his flurry in the first round. Obviously, he just figured he would put Lesnar away in the first round like his previous opponents and didn't do his due dillegence.

I could understand being a bit gassed and having lactic acid build up in his arms after the first round, but to that level of unprepared is something that I really hope he learns from. I'm close to the same size and carry more muscle than either Carwin or Lesnar and have fought at a world class level, so I don't buy any excuses about his size being the reason he gassed so bad. He just didn't put the effort into his cardio that he should have. IF Carwin puts the work in, I could easily finishing Lesnar providing that Brock gets past Cain or anyone else they put up against him prior to Carwin coming back for a re-match.
I'm close to the same size and carry more muscle than either Carwin or Lesnar and have fought at a world class level...

Are you married to Morgan Fairchild too?
Ah, sarcasm. Here are some physique photos on a youtube video a student made a couple of years ago
. See my album on martial talk for photos including just after my recent silver medal win at the NAGA World Grappling Championships (among others including a training photo or two of my wife). I have more available on request to remind you not to imply someone is lying before doing your homework.
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