As some long time members know, I had LASIK eye surgery July 2001. The comercials you see on tv with pro football players and hockey stars raving about it make it seem like a great way to remove the challenges of wearing glasses (and contacts).
No more worrying about your glasses flying off and breaking, or a contact falling out while you train.
In many cases, it all works out fine. But a large percentage of folks have a wide range of complications, some minor, some major, most in the middle.
I refer everyone interested in the "What can go Wrong" to see Its a very interesting site, to be certain.
My problems so far have been the folowing:
-increased light sensativity.
-decreased night vision
-extreme starbursts, halos and glare at night.
-extremely increased dryness in the eyes (I use $50+ a week in eyedrops, still isn't enough)
-increased suseptability to injury. I've had an eyelash fall into my eye that caused 3 days of extreme bluryness. At night, the outer layer of my eyes have a tendency to dry out and either bind to the eyelids (which results in that layer being ripped off when I open my eyes) to "cracking" (think scar tissues willingness to split)
When training, I have to wear safety glasses at all times, grapplings flat out off limits. (if hair causes painful problems, I'm sure an elbow would be worse). Its incredibly annoying to have to put in wetting drops every 10-20 minutes (more if the heats running).
My career is computer related. It is impossible for me to spend hours non-stop on a pc anymore. For 2 months after the operation, I could barely work, and web surfing, reading, movies were painful.
As time goes on, it gets better, but unless my eyes can stay wet for an extended time period, its unlikely my vision will ever really be 'clear'.
I've found some interesting things since then. To treat dryness in the eyes, the followings worked for me:
-hot wet compresses 3x a day.
-flax seed oil 2x a day. (also good dietary aid I've been told)
-Refresh Liquid Gel (green bottle) - helps extend the drops usefullness
-minimizing caffine - the more caffine I drink, the tighter my eyes get. Sucks, cuz I used to drink tea by the gallon.
I -strongly- encourage anyone considering -any- type of eye surgury to get as much information as you can. Many folks think"hey, if I lose 1, I still got another". I spent 2 weeks on 1 eye after 1 -very- painful scratch. It sucked big time. Depth perception was way off, and driving was a nightmare.
No more worrying about your glasses flying off and breaking, or a contact falling out while you train.
In many cases, it all works out fine. But a large percentage of folks have a wide range of complications, some minor, some major, most in the middle.
I refer everyone interested in the "What can go Wrong" to see Its a very interesting site, to be certain.
My problems so far have been the folowing:
-increased light sensativity.
-decreased night vision
-extreme starbursts, halos and glare at night.
-extremely increased dryness in the eyes (I use $50+ a week in eyedrops, still isn't enough)
-increased suseptability to injury. I've had an eyelash fall into my eye that caused 3 days of extreme bluryness. At night, the outer layer of my eyes have a tendency to dry out and either bind to the eyelids (which results in that layer being ripped off when I open my eyes) to "cracking" (think scar tissues willingness to split)
When training, I have to wear safety glasses at all times, grapplings flat out off limits. (if hair causes painful problems, I'm sure an elbow would be worse). Its incredibly annoying to have to put in wetting drops every 10-20 minutes (more if the heats running).
My career is computer related. It is impossible for me to spend hours non-stop on a pc anymore. For 2 months after the operation, I could barely work, and web surfing, reading, movies were painful.
As time goes on, it gets better, but unless my eyes can stay wet for an extended time period, its unlikely my vision will ever really be 'clear'.
I've found some interesting things since then. To treat dryness in the eyes, the followings worked for me:
-hot wet compresses 3x a day.
-flax seed oil 2x a day. (also good dietary aid I've been told)
-Refresh Liquid Gel (green bottle) - helps extend the drops usefullness
-minimizing caffine - the more caffine I drink, the tighter my eyes get. Sucks, cuz I used to drink tea by the gallon.

I -strongly- encourage anyone considering -any- type of eye surgury to get as much information as you can. Many folks think"hey, if I lose 1, I still got another". I spent 2 weeks on 1 eye after 1 -very- painful scratch. It sucked big time. Depth perception was way off, and driving was a nightmare.