Krabi Krabong DVD

muay saksit

White Belt
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Lille France
Hello all,

i have buy this DVD

and I would like to recommend it has all, because it is really well made!

the first DVD presents the history, the manufacture of weapons, demonstrations etc a true pleasure to see!! the second shows a training sessions under Ajarn Samai and it is really superb to see in action this old master…

if other people saw it I would like to speak with you and to put some questions about it…

Thanks in advance,

Some recent reviews:

I really enjoyed the DVD it brought back such good memories and made me appreciate how lucky I was to have trained with Por Kru Samai. The DVD gives a great insight into Por Kru's philosophy and his vision for the school and Krabi Krabong. It shows the passion and drive of the man (Por Kru). There is no other teacher in the World who could take his place and it is a great loss to the Thai Martial Arts but through modern technology, the video camera and DVD, people can still get the chance to see and learn from the Master.

Ajarn Tony Moore,
author, Muay Thai
UK Buddhai Sawan Institute
When I was a teenager just beginning to study martial arts Black Belt Magazine ran a cover article on Krabi Krabong. I remember being completely captivated by the article and wishing I could see the power, fluidity and spirit of the living art that was conveyed so clearly by the pictures and text. Now, more than thirty years later my wish is answered by Vincent Giordano;s excellent documentary, KRABI KRABONG: The Buddhai Sawan Path. This two-DVD set is an wonderful introduction to a sophisticated martial art that is still little-known outside of Thailand. It is everything a martial arts documentary/instructional tape should be and so rarely is.

On the first disc, Mr. Giordano presents the art in its historical perspective, as a warrior art developed and tested through centuries of internecine conflict and warfare with Cambodia and Burma (Mayamar). He then follows its transition to the modern martial art of Krabi Krabong as it was taught by the late Por Kru Samai Mesamarn who kept the art alive during his lifetime (1914-1998). We see children and young men who study at the Buddhai Sawan Temple learning the intricate skills of unarmed combat and the many weapons of Krabi Krabong. The children practice many routines that serve as both training exercises and performance sets. It is easy to see that done repetitively almost as a game, these exercises develop the strength, agility and mental and physical skills that are critical to effective self-defense. Many of the modern Muay Thai techniques can be seen in the bare-handed routines.

Disc 2 is more instructional, detailing the basic practice methods for single sword, double sword and staff. Shot on location at the Buddhai Sawan Temple, with students performing the routines under the watchful eye of Por Kru Samai Mesamarn, this footage makes the viewer feel that he is there, waiting in the wings to take his turn at practice. The practice routines are detailed quite well and the viewer sees how students perform them relentlessly until the attacks and defenses become automatic and second nature. I particularly enjoyed the fact that much of the footage is of ordinary students at their daily training sessions, not just highly accomplished practitioners demonstrating. It is wonderful to be reminded that the art is in the daily practice, not the end result. Just so we don’t get the wrong idea, Mr. Giordano inserts some short clips of a more advanced student performing unrehearsed attacks and defenses with both single and double sword so that we can see how the basic movements develop into a living, breathing art of frightening speed and efficiency. Equally fascinating is a segment in which Por Kru Samai Mesamarn demonstrates how the basic are applied in real combat.

I applaud Mr. Giordano’s professionalism and dedication in making this video. His experience in making documentary films is evident in both this documentary and his previous work, THE PHYSICAL BODY: Indian Wrestling and Physical Culture. In both cases we are transported and immersed in the sights, sounds, and almost the smells of these vanishing arts as they are practiced on their native soils. I highly recommend KRABI KRABONG: The Buddhai Sawan Path to anyone who is interested in traditional martial arts.

Tom Bisio,
author, A Tooth in the Tigers Mouth
co-author, The Essentials of Ba Gua Zhang
i have this wonderfull DVD! i would like know if mister Giordano think realised a DVD on the stick and knife fighting on thai, burma, laos and khmer martial arts?
in this DVD, you can see small trailers to burma and laotian weapons... and a dvd with presentation of the khmers, laotians and burmese style will be GREAT!!!

an others project will be make a DVD on the different style of the lethwei!

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