krabi krabong weapons


Blue Belt
Jul 29, 2009
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could anyone direct me to where i can buy the weapons used for krabi krabong practice. i know nothing of krabi krabong but i have an extensive weapons collection form around the world but nothing from se asia. also i am fascinated with these weapons and would like to learn about their real use not the performance and phys ed stuff. but true fighting with them. if anyone could help me out that would be great thanks.
I have never seen any shop that sells real daabs outside Thailand. I saw an online antique shop selling some old Thai and Burmese swords but these are abviously more expensive, and you cannot tell the quality of the sword until you get it.

If you go to Thailand you will easily find steel swords that are used for shows, they are light and not sharp so they are good for practice and you won't have problems at customs if you bring them back. That's the best choice I can recommend unless you want to spend more time in Thailand and look more deeply into that.
any idea where to find a pair of mae saan?
mae saan are like the tonfas right? My friend constructed some and they were really nice it seems to be hard locating the thai weapons. my friend did bring me back two swords from thailand just a few weeks ago.
yes those are mae saan. i would like to buy some of them as well as the other weapons used in kk. this is very hard though. i am looking for functional weapons not the alluminum no edge blades and all, but the real ones. this will be hard, i hear this is a hard task even in thailand.