Knife Throwing?

I dabble. But I have seen what really skilled folks can do; something else to aspire to I suppose.
I recently purchased a nice set of throwing knives, but I don't have a regular place to throw (yet). So put down as a "Dabbler" as well.
I used to practice quite a bit when I was younger. Also used one-piece scalpels (in place of traditional Chinese "nails")...they worked really well.

There are some problems with throwing a knife in combat:

1. Once you've done it, you've lost your weapon and
2. The bad guy has your weapon if anything goes wrong.
3. The throw must be VERY accurate and
4. Strong enough to penetrate clothing and enter into vital
*which isn't likely.

But it IS a lot of fun.
A Great Video on Throwing and Knife Fighting is


The paramount objective of any confrontation is to ensure one's safety without killing or severely injuring the assailant. Learn the skills of gaining complete control of your opponent using multi-dimensional lines of defense and attack, strikes using the flat of the blade and the knife's handle, and pricks with the blade's tip. Comprehensive disclosure of all knife throwing techniques, as well as military shovels, axes, razor blades, two knives at once --- all from any position at any target. The most real and effective use of knives you will ever see!
1 hour 5 min. $39.95

Jeremy Bays
Originally posted by moromoro
would any of you throwers throw your knife in a knife fight??


Not if it was my only weapon. But I might throw it as a possible finisher/definite distraction to get to a weapon better suited to a specific situation.

But, more likely, I might throw something else (i.e.: a book, a glass, a bottle, a pen) to inflict whatever damage it might but mostly as a distraction to get another weapon at hand or to slow down a chase.

So when I work on throwing, I'm more interested in accuracy than in sticking (though sticking is fun, too). I also throw from various grips and positions (i.e.: underhand throws and sidearm throws, standing, sitting, lying) and, again, focus on accuracy more than sticking every time.

But while it is something I practice, it's not something I practice a lot so my proficiency is mediocre at best ... but improving slowly.

Originally posted by moromoro

it is important to understand if you throw the knife and it doesnt stick he will pick it up and use it on you

Absolutely. But throwing your knife buys you enough time to, for instance, pull your garrotte, machete, gun, or to get in your car and boogie, then you'd go for it, right?

Originally posted by moromoro
as a very last resort maybe but that depends as always on the situation, as long as you understand the dangers involve

Absolutely. Since I rarely carry a knife to begin with, it's not much of an issue for me. That's why I primarily work on accuracy (as I mentioned previously). I try to stick throwing knives for fun. But my primary goal is to develop accuracy with anything I'm throwing. Anything from coins, a pen, a cup, a book, some water, etc.

All of them may serve as useful distractions and/or attacks.

Originally posted by moromoro
have you noticed that accuracy is never really the problem, its bloody sticking it that is

Not for me. When I'm working accuracy, I put a circle about the size of a nickel (not sure what size that'd be where you are ... for us, it's a 5 cent piece) and that's what I aim for. I generally only stand about 10 feet away. I can stick my blade about 7 out of 10 times from that range. But I only hit the circle about 3 in 10 times.

i aim for usually is the size of a basketball....... but sometimes in the session i will go for 5cent piece size targets also i go for those little black dots i see on the board

i use cardboard
what about you guys
what are your prefered target materials
Originally posted by moromoro
i aim for usually is the size of a basketball....... but sometimes in the session i will go for 5cent piece size targets also i go for those little black dots i see on the board

i use cardboard
what about you guys
what are your prefered target materials

I use cardboard as well ... specifically, old boxes.

Forgive my ignorance, but doesn't Sayoc teach throwing as an entry technique? If so, do they advocate doing so every time?

They do put a lot of emphasis on throwing (compared to other FMAs) and do use it an an entry. They also may do a short throw when blocked--sort of 'chucking' it at the person, past the block.