Kids In Training


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Jun 21, 2003
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Saw this article in todays paper. Its a shame that kids this young who apparently know no other way, get brought into stuff like this.

BAGHDAD - Videotapes seized during U.S. raids on suspected al-Qaida in Iraq hide-outs show the terror group training young boys to kidnap and assassinate civilians, U.S. and Iraqi officials said Wednesday.
Footage aired for reporters showed an apparent training operation with black-masked boys — some of whom appeared to be about 10 years old — storming a house and holding guns to the heads of mock residents. Another tape showed a young boy wearing a suicide vest and posing with automatic weapons.

It is assamed what goes on in some parts of the world.

Some of the stuff in that Jesus Camp movies didn't seem terribly far off. The lady in it seemed to think kids in North America should be training to fight a Holy War in the name of Jesus.

I think it's more the things that go on in the name of fundamentalism, not parts of the world.

They are also in a "dirty war", fighting a conventional war when you are vastly outnumbered and outgunned isn't possible for them, it's really not a surprise they are resorting to things like this.

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