Kettlebells - Personal Experience?

Matt Stone

Master of Arts
Dec 4, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Lewis, Washington
My best friend back home has turned me on to the idea of working with Pavel Tsatsouline's kettlebell methods...

Does anyone here have any experience with the training?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Matt! Eric Tiarks of the Omaha Yili School has worked with them. He came out for a visit a couple of weeks ago and showed me some of their exercises. Very interesting.....
Rumour has it that Kettlebells will be manufactured by more than one company soon in North America and will be easier to obtian cost wise.

Anyone else hear this?
Yeah, I think I heard something about that. That would be nice, because they are ungodly expensive now. I'd really like to get some... iuf only I could go into a store and by them instead of having to pay shipping fees that rivaled the prce of the product.

Hope its soon.

Why are they so expensive? On top of that i wonder why no one has made something in North America? I should think it was demand but I'm curious.
I think the shipping issue is a big reason. I know if I was thinking into making them... I'd be intimidated by the shipping issue. They just way too much.

When fitness stores start ordering them alongside all the other weights, with large shipments by truck, that issue will go away.

But as a home spun biz it looks daunting.

I myself will get a pair when the become more readily available!
No rush, I can wait!

I have two of Pavel's books and one of his tapes, he mentions the Kettlebells, but they are not used much in what I have.

The friend of mine that turned me on to Pavel's programs has trained with a "real" k-bell, as well as homemade pipe-handled versions with removable plate weights. He swears by the homemade versions. Personally, all I have used are the "real" ones, and I have to say I like them. But at $90 a pop for the 36 pounders, I doubt I will buy more than one for a very long time...

Power to the People!
I have seen the website that uses those K-Bells and they remind me a lot of the "sashi" used in "old" style Okinawan dojo.

They are both made of the same thing.....iron and held in a similar way. However, the K-Bells seem to have more intresting workouts.
With "sashi" you mainly practice punching, kicking and blocking and are used basically like tetsugeta (iron clogs) but for your hands.
They give you a nice "burn" in places you didn't know you had.:D
Hey Yiliquan1...where did you see the K-bells for that price?

As for myself, I like them but the home made ones just didn't feel the same.
Hey Matt, I've got a pair of the homemade KB's as well as Pavel's KB. I prefer the 'real' KB. I don't know why, it just feels better to me. Everyone is different in what works for them so I'd suggest you go ahead and build yourself a KB like Tim has, test it out and see if you like it better than the one I brought up for you to try out.

For the person wondering where to get good kettlebells:
Recommended by my teacher, Bill Schettino, whose advice is always on the mark:

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Jan 8, 2004 4:56 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: info on 1/31 & 2/1 kettlebell workshop

K.O.ntact Champ and Strength Coach extraordinaire Steve Cotter is offering his patented Full K.O.ntact Kettlebells workshop on Sat. Jan. 31 and Sun. Feb. 1 at The Training
Room in Avon, NJ.

This will be a 2 day, Level 1 and Level 2 course. The content includes:

Level 1
2 and 1 hand swings, cleans, double cleans, front squats,
Turkish get-ups, presses (strict military press, double press, alternate press,1 leg press, seated press, waiter's press), snatch, jerk, double jerks, rack holds and overhead holds

Level 2

This will cover figure 8s, around the worlds, 1 leg DL, windmills (low, high, doubles), double swings, double snatch, alternating cleans, alternating snatch, bottoms-up cleans, bottoms-up press, side press, bent press, 2 hands anyhow, Renegade rows, overhead squats, and specialized Full K.O.ntact movements for martial arts.

The theme of the course is applied strength for Martial Art application, using kettlebells as the ideal auxiliary training tool for developing explosive power in all ranges

Both courses will cover in-depth power breathing and auxiliary stretching methods necessary to properly perform the kettlebell lifts.

You will leave the workshops with a thorough understanding of proper lifting mechanics, program design, and goal setting/achievement.

Pre-registration is required. Fee is $200 for 1 day and $300 for both. The
workshops are both 5 hr in duration.

The host facility, The Training Room in Avon, NJ (Avon-by-the-sea) is now handling all registration.

Please contact the gym directly to register.

Contact Jim Milkowski at [email protected] to sign up for 2 days of educational torture with yours truly.

[email protected]

Let me know if you have any questions, requests, comments.

In Strength,

Steve Cotter

Full K.O.ntact Kettlebells
I found a Canadian manufacturer of kettlebells and right here in Ontario!!!!

Did a search on Google. {I Love Google} for kettlebells canada found a martial arts supple store that sells them and sent email. They sent me the site for their supplier as they only keep a few in stock at any one time.

Of course the price is still WAY up there BUT its cheaper then shipping and exchange from the US. Plus, they do lessons!

The only downer thing is the smallest size they have is 35 lbs., but they tell me they are in the process of making 25lb KB's and they'll be ready in about 6 weeks. The price of course is still extensive though, but I am definitely going to inquire further and see what I can see.

Hi everyone,

Just letting everyone know that if you are in Montreal and are interested in the Canadian Kettlebells that Kenpogirl mentioned you can get them without shipping. I sell various weights and always have some availible.

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