Kenpo Techniques


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I saw this post from Dr. Dave on another forum. Now, I really enjoy reading his posts, and the advice he offers, so I thought I'd post this here for discussion.

I propose that the ideal phase and what-ifs are there to teach us to think, move, etc. Training exercises, not intended to be executed as taught. Evidence? Lack of brevity that would solve problems better, with fewer moves.

Student asked me while working Thrusting Salye, "What would YOU do?" I answered; knee-check off the kick while sliding forward to jam it, while also executing a finger jab to the eye. Fight over. Approx a week ago, same student jocularly attempted to surprise me with a kick; I shin checked it, and they went down too fast for me to add a hand attack. Goose-egg, and all.

Consider cross wrist grab: Crossing Talon? Nah. Front thrusting snap kick to their nearest knee, land forward with MOG into a heavy overhand punch with the free hand. Who cares about extricatiig it? We no right where it is and exactly what it's up to. So let them hold my wrist, while I dismantle their joints and face with my free appendages.

5 Swords, as defense against a right handed straight or roundhouse attack fomr the front. Greater brevity? Check off the attack, and slide in a side thrustig stomp kick into their lead knee. Leave. Replace Thundering Hammers with Darting Leaves; shorter, maimingly injurious (busted knee + fingers buried up to hand in eye socket).

Ideal Phase training -- trying to get 5 swords or TH off on a punch, etc. -- continues the insistence that that is what the techniques are for. Grafting and bridging further the assumption that, for kenpo to be kenpo, we gotta be always throwing schmancy combo's, and that those must be informed by the clasical patterning conditioned into our noodles by ovrtraining ideal phase antics.

Whatever happened to spontaneous phase, rearrangement, etc.? Since when can a basic in kenpo mean only one thing, and be consigned to failure if applied outside fixed parameters? Anybody here recall Mr. P. saying it must always-only-ever be done this way, and no other way? Or does anybody recall him discussing the liberating study of motion, to be delivered on the fly, in accordance to the dictations of multiple variables (i.e., environment, conditioning, etc.)?

Now, I have my own views, and they vascillate between the need for a workable, insistent ideal phase, but only so the student really nails what it means to make the basics inn the techniques work, while learning to navigate relationship within interactions. Once "out there", I expect them to free-associate responses to ad hoc attacks. But before I get too much into my views...I'm throwing this out there to stir the pot. May not be able to check in on it for several days, but at least it's kenpo discussion.


The exercises are key to the analytical study of motion in the Parker Kenpo system. Basics as I was taught are categorized by side, method and angle. I look at an "inward block" as an inward motion because it can have many uses depending on the intent of the practioner executing it. Therefore with this knowledge in addition to utilizing the rearrangment concept, spontanaety is enhanced. I also feel practioners can and should abbreviate their movements to maximize their efforts. I heard Mr. Parker at seminars say, as well as hearing my instructor say this about Mr. Parker, that he often said "if you got to hit a guy more than three times you're doing something wrong"

I think the spontaneous stage & rearrangement concepts you wrote about can be acheived after the student has a firm grasp of the basics. Once they are combined anything is possible. I think the motion based curriculum gives a solid base of ideas for the practioner to choose from.
All these views and only 1 reply??? I'm interested in hearing from others on this. :)
I like kenpo3631's response.

Train in the non ideal phase as well. It should be learned in the ideal phase to understand the idea being taught, then throw that idea in the kenpo tool box for a real life situation. I agree its a better idea to just finish it quick if you can and get out. Grafting.