Kenpo Internet Study Groups


Black Belt
Apr 30, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Here's an idea...

Start some Kenpo internet study groups...

With a specific syllabus or direction, maybe use a mail list server to communicate among the group so you don't have to logon to a website to post you can just reply to your email. Give each other personal insight, quizes and possibly have an advisor to assist with specific questions that the group is stuck on or confused about.

My suggestion would be to make them short courses


- II vol 1 (3 to 4 week course)
- II vol 2 (4 to 6 week course)
etc...working through each chapters main point, concept and theme until everyone understands...

- EPAK yellow belt discussion (creed, sayings, basics, techniques, forms, sets, freestyle)

- Short Form 3 discussion

From that base you could also move into chat room discussions, webcasts, etc...or go in the reverse direction. It could be an idea who's time has come.

I'm personally interested in working through the II series with a few people. I've already set up a private mailist server through if anyone is interested send me a private email or message and lets talk. I've never moderated a mail list so it will new for me.

I do subscribe to the escrima digest list and that, along with the webcam thread, and my online MBA classes through the Univ of Phoenix is where I got this idea from.

Regards, jb:asian:
You got my vote! Love the idea of this. Really get into conceptulizing the art,
Great idea!

David "C2" Gunzburg
that's a cool idea... I'd be willing to give it a shot, especially if its discussion about infinite insights.
JB Im excited to see this take off. It is good to see guys trying new means to study and learn! Just think 15 years ago none of this was really possible!
I'm with meni and would like some more info first but it sounds cool.
Originally posted by Elfan

I'm with meni and would like some more info first but it sounds cool.


I'm not sure what else to explain or what info your looking for? A handful of people 4 or 5 (maybe more) break off into a study group to concentrate on developing a better understanding of the system or a specific topic. I would probably liken it to a book reading club, where you might not otherwise read a chapter or an entire book, but because your discussing it (via email) with a group you avoid the procrastination and collection of dust, and growth occurs.

The only other thing mentioned in the message was a way to facilitate the discussion (a maillist) which may be where the confusion don't meet at a specific time, it's email based, everyone post dialogue when they want (to the list and it automatically sends it to everyone in the group) and everyone in the group responds when they want. You just set a time when the group will conclude. Or worst case you continue with that group in that vein exploring the many ins and outs of the Kenpo universe. Just imagine....

I'd also be willing to facilitate other groups getting together as well if anyone is interested...

jb :asian:
JB why don't you give some more infor about the mail list, ie how it works and where they would go to set it up. That way if there is serious interest then they can form their own groups and go from there.

example pick a certain time frame where the members of the group have to read say infinite insights vol 1, then each email what they thought or any questions they might have in regards to it. Those emails get automatically sent to each "member" and then those "members" can respond with their own ideas or answers, which would then get sent to each "member" as well.

It's a very neat idea, and a great learning tool. Bravo for thinking of it.

Dot Kelly
I'm guessing porno won't be part of the curriculum...

Isnn't that what the internet's primary use is?
Originally posted by jbkenpo

Here's an idea...

Start some Kenpo internet study groups...

With a specific syllabus or direction, maybe use a mail list server to communicate among the group so you don't have to logon to a website to post you can just reply to your email. Give each other personal insight, quizes and possibly have an advisor to assist with specific questions that the group is stuck on or confused about.

My suggestion would be to make them short courses


- II vol 1 (3 to 4 week course)
- II vol 2 (4 to 6 week course)
etc...working through each chapters main point, concept and theme until everyone understands...

- EPAK yellow belt discussion (creed, sayings, basics, techniques, forms, sets, freestyle)

- Short Form 3 discussion

From that base you could also move into chat room discussions, webcasts, etc...or go in the reverse direction. It could be an idea who's time has come.

I'm personally interested in working through the II series with a few people. I've already set up a private mailist server through if anyone is interested send me a private email or message and lets talk. I've never moderated a mail list so it will new for me.

I do subscribe to the escrima digest list and that, along with the webcam thread, and my online MBA classes through the Univ of Phoenix is where I got this idea from.

Regards, jb:asian:

a good way to set it up might be through MSN message boards. they're easy to use, and easier to follow than an email discussion, because if you get five people replying to one email, things can get confusing.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

a good way to set it up might be through MSN message boards. they're easy to use, and easier to follow than an email discussion, because if you get five people replying to one email, things can get confusing.

To me though it would be the same as posting on a forum and up for everyone to see
Originally posted by GouRonin

I'm guessing porno won't be part of the curriculum...

Isnn't that what the internet's primary use is?

That's my boy, always trying to maximize participation.

Thanks, jb:asian:
Originally posted by nightingale8472

a good way to set it up might be through MSN message boards. they're easy to use, and easier to follow than an email discussion, because if you get five people replying to one email, things can get confusing.

There is a maillist called the escrima digest that is amazing. Hundreds of people belong to it with no problems...
I would very like very much to be included in said group. Just tell me where to sign up.
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

JB why don't you give some more infor about the mail list, ie how it works and where they would go to set it up. That way if there is serious interest then they can form their own groups and go from there.

Just look it up. Go to or look up free mail lists on yahoo. I'm gonna try this one, but may end up using another on depending on how it works out.
