kenpo drills

kevin kilroe

Orange Belt
I would appreciate anyone sharing their favorite (or not so favorite) kenpo drills, especially ones I could teach to students.

Many thanks,

Kevin Kilroe
There is a thing called the "Circle of Death". You get your students in a circle and one in the middle. You (the instructor) go around the circle at different students and tell them to throw a specific attack (the student in the middle doesn't know what the attack will be). After everyone in the circle has participated you start rotating your students in the center. This will show you and the students how they are progressing and reacting to attacks that are not being telegraphed. I hope that makes sense.

Yours in Kenpo,
Bill Smith

Where are you guys located in Georgia? I go down there every year. My wife has family there and we may be moving there in the future. Are you located near Augusta/Richmond/Columbia Counties? If near by, I'd like to stop by.
I couldn't agree with True2Kenpo more. Mr. Whitson's CounterPoint drills are an extremely valuable tool in developing sensitivity and spontaneity.
One set/drill that has become one of my favorites I found on Larry Tatums tip of the week section. Find the one for the 2 man striking set. It is pretty simple, but is a very worth while drill. That was the first time I have seen the striking set done in this way.

There is a thing called the "Circle of Death".

We have a similar mass attack drill. With one in the middle and 5 people around him/her. The 5 people attack 5 times each with any attack they wish and move freely about the room. This takes a little non-verbal communication between the attackers but is an excellent drill to simulate being attacked by more than 1 guy. Another variant is you make the main objective of the defender is to not allow anyone to get behind him/her, and set a goal out on the floor that he has to reach. The goal can simulate a door, or any other escape route. The attackers have to try to prevent him/her from getting away.